Friday, July 29, 2016

Secret Fresh | SIXINCH: AWED by Mr. S

07.29.2016 – How to be ‘Awed’ by Mr. S? There’s nothing more surreal than his style of work that depicts his character that defined also his personality. Mr. Sasquatch certainly has a way of expressing art than words just like that hidden monster.

But there are no monsters that don’t hard, but there are some who are aloof and at the same time not entirely social. So the only way they can express themselves is through their art and that defines how his first solo art show is all about at the SIXINCH Gallery when they unveil his new works.

Mr. S has been part of an art group show but this is the first at SIXINCH Gallery that his work gets to be featured. Greatly his humbled like the gentle giant creature that he got his name from. This was a night to appreciate his works which is the culmination of hard and dedication to his craft as an artist.

All of Mr. S works are on exhibit and if you happen to miss out on the opening of his art show check out some of the images below:images below

AWED by Mr. S!” will be on exhibit from July 24 to August 6, 2016 at the SIXINCH Gallery located at the ground floor of Ronact Art Center along Ortigas Ave. For more inquires about the featured works LIKE Secret Fresh on Facebook, follow on Twitter at: @FreshManila

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