Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Secret Fresh | Super Ultra

07.19.2016 – From creating well-known pop culture characters in his recent two-man show with Egg Fiasco in Second Skin, JJ Zamoranos a.k.a. EXLD Manila is talking his visual re-imagination to one of Japan’s longest running Tokusatsu series.

You might already have known this character since being introduced on July 17, 1966 and currently celebrating fifty years.

This of course was the right time for JJ Zamoranos to make his spin out of this kaiju kicking hero that everyone remembers.

This is also a sort of tribute that features works from JJ Zamoranous as well as a art toy launch featuring the standard ‘Super Ultra’ and some one-off limited edition variants that takes inspiration to other popular culture characters which produced the inspiration for Daft Punk and other color schemes.

If you haven’t seen the exhibition or won’t have time to drop by Secret Fresh see the images below featuring EXLD Manila’s “Super Ultra:”

"Super Ultra" a painting and toy launch will be on exhibit from July 17 to July 30, 2016 at the Gallery A located at the ground floor of Ronact Art Center along Ortigas Ave. For more inquires about the featured works LIKE Secret Fresh on Facebook, follow on Twitter at: @FreshManila

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