Saturday, July 16, 2016

Celebration 2016 | Rogue One Sizzle Reel

07.16.2016 – Star Wars Celebration in Europe continue the spectacle that has becoming the event. The tradition gets bigger since The Force Awakens reignited the franchise.

Now they’re all set for “Rogue One a Star Wars Story” to spin off the anthology and the sizzle reel is released with something fans can anticipate.

The physical brutality of the war is imminently shown when the sizzle reel for Rogue One was revealed. It’s a mix of behind the scenes and mishmash of things what to expect from the first Star Wars Anthology.

By now everyone has already have an idea what the synopsis is all about. The story how they stole the vital data discs about the ‘secret weapon’ known to everyone now is the first Death Star that. But what makes Rogue One compellingly exciting is the journey how they got those data discs and the characters who made the sacrifices.

Behind the scenes you get to see that Lucasfilms continue the tradition of physical sets, aliens with details make up, and the action sequence that’s physically brutal to the actors’ performance as they battle their way through all that makes Rogue One, the film worth waiting since the first trailer revealed three months earlier.

Its something some fans has taken for granted when they see the finish product, but the sizzle reel reveal more than the behind the scenes and the explosions. You see art in motion how they conjure and let you feel that this is just some science fiction adventure its more Star Wars has not endure with all the hype behind it.

As Jyn Erso would say “May the Force be with us” as the reel closes and you get the sentimental feel this is something worth watching.

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is set to be released in cinemas on December 16, 2016 from Lucasfilms and distributed by Walt Disney Studios!

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