Monday, August 1, 2016

DCU Rebirth: Batgirl #1 | Beyond Burnside

08.01.2016 –Batgirl travels the world in her Rebirth issue debut battling bad guys in Japan and in search of someone named Fruit Bat aka Chiyo Yamashiro. Hope Larson writes the story with art provided by Rafael Albuquerque. The direction of Barbara Gordon travelling the world is not the first story concept ever written.

But for those Batgirl readers and fan of the character would be interested with her new adventures away from Gotham or even Burnside. The artwork is breaking out of the usual style. Rafael Albuquerque definitely hit it with the right strokes in making every page as moving even though not in action.

This also breaks away from the previous ‘hipster’ idea about Batgirl’s portrayal as a superhero. In this issue mainly her adventures feature her not in costume but in search of a legendary vigilante who has been a hero in Japan. This also explores the relationship with Barbara’s childhood friend Kai who she meets in her dorm.

But the best part was when Barbara finally meets the 104 year old Chiro Yamashiro. Unfortunately in the middle of their pleasantries her friend Kai got attacked by ‘Sailor Clown’ when she tackled with the unknown assailant as Batgirl.

There’s not much mystery in this one but definitely it gives you an idea where the new art team is taking Barbara Gordon. It’s more like reading Archie Comics with a superhero as the main character in the narrative and also a jump in point for those who want to start reading Batgirl. Yamashiro only have brief words with Batgirl before she had a stroke telling her that the future is in front of her.

The story is short but most of it was the search for Fruit Bat and getting to know Barbara and Kai as they try to find the Japanese Myth who they would meet toward the third act of the story.

Overall it’s too early to say how they’ll establish Batgirl travelling all over the world in search for someone to train her. Babs travelled all the way to Japan but then shifts focus immediately in search of ‘that future’ which leads to a new series and Singapore is where she will be going next. Whatever happens to Batgirl the next issue would be more promising than just a quick scene of action and less of what really she was looking for after meeting the mysterious Fruit Bat.

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