Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sights & Highlights | Komikero Komiks Museum

08.14.2016 – The “Komikero Komiks Museum” was one of Gerry Alanguilan’s dreams in putting up a place, where people would remind everyone how the komiks culture in the Philippines has flourished in the past decades.

In this generation of social media only a few old enough to remember reading Filipino komiks and most now is only aware of the foreign comicbooks. If you want to see Filipino komiks roots a road trip to San Pablo City would be the best way to see it. The komiks museum Gerry dreamed is now a reality and it opened yesterday…

It only takes less than four hours to make it to the “Komikero Komiks Museum.” When it opened it was raining but there where no tropical storms that day. But for those who brave the weather to witness the ribbon cutting its something to appreciate how the Filipino Komiks Culture survived through Gerry Alanguilan who grew up reading them at an early age.

Filipino Komiks slowly disappeared from mainstream medium when everyone can afford television as back in the day this is the only form of entertainment. At height of the popularity of komiks there where award giving bodies that promote what used to be a huge industry. Komiks did not disappear, it just taken a back seat in late 1990s to the early 2000s. But thank Gerry as one of those who kept them archived and had dreamed to put up this museum that has become a reality.

The room inside the Tia Marias restaurant housed most of the old komiks from a forgotten era and it transports you to a time where this culture has flourished. This is not a temporary exhibit, but a rotating display of works that Gerry has mentioned will always be fresh to those who travel to this place.

There are more works by artists that paved away for this medium you might not see in the images taken during the opening, but certainly a place to find inspiration if you’re a passionate about art and want to be an artist yourself this is the place to be. A road trip to San Pablo City where the “Komikero Komiks Museum” is located is a best getaway for those looking for adventure and inspiration. It’s also the place to find the window to the past what Filipino komiks culture used to be to get an idea why you should appreciate it.

“Komikero Komiks Museum” is located at #29 Marasigan Street inside Tia Marias Sining at Kultura in San Pablo City, Laguna. For more announcements and updates LIKE Komikero Komiks Museum on Facebook!

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