Monday, August 8, 2016

Underground | Smalls

08.08.2016 – “Smalls” is a group show featuring twenty eight visual artists with their unique perspective of how to put together the tiniest and impressive art installation in one room.

The Underground Gallery’s limited space hosted a community of the minds. There are colors and dark tones, but set up well balanced with the crowed that captured their attention. Each work stands out for you to think and appreciate every contour of shapes that defies the logic in which they are defined the few.

There are eye catching images that simply can’t be explained. It’s all up to you to define them but overall they are all works of art. Some are eye candy others are left for you to define how to see their works up close and personal.

What’s impressive is the flow of people come in and goes see each individual installation like a flea market without purchasing anything. The vibe is very much mixed of impressions. Some are just there to look and there others stand there trying to find meaning in each work that made “Smalls” a place to visit and appreciate.

When you through them is a mix of appreciation and here are some of those impressive installations if you happen to miss them at last weekend’s show:

“Smalls" is the latest group art show at the Underground’s second level at the Makati Square on exhibit from August 6 to 27, 2016.

For more details and inquiry LIKE Underground on Facebook!

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