Sunday, September 11, 2016

POST Gallery | PSP X Anniversary

09.11.2016 – The street art community has never been this known if not for its creative way promoting the culture like the Pilipinas Street Plan can accomplish.

For ten years they have been cultivating talent through grass roots and inspiring others. The journey continues with their tenth anniversary celebration at the POST gallery in Cubao X that began with Pablo gallery early in July of this year.

The celebration continues with collaboration with a live painting sometime next month, but this momentous days is definitely special. It’s Saturday with friends and families of the artists gather at the POST Gallery to witness street art at it’s finest with the Pilipinas Street Plan’s tenth anniversary. The celebration culminated sometime in July at the Pablo Gallery featuring the founding members and continues with an exhibit at the POST featuring some of the best fro PSP had to offer.

Its core PSP continues cultivates and inspires young talents who would start interest in the arts. Some of the established individuals had a hand in being part of the exhibition from last nights show at the POST Gallery.

PSP X: Pilipinas Street Plan 10th Anniversary Exhibit begins on September 10, 2016 for the next two weeks at the POST Gallery in Cubao X. For more shows LIKE Pablo Galleries and follow on Instagram at: Pablo_post


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