Sunday, September 4, 2016

Vinyl on Vinyl | Opening Night Anniversary

09.04.2016 – Its been six years since Vinyl on Vinyl open its doors where its was originally located at The Collective and after three years of art, toys and vinyl, which defined its early years as a small gallery it moved to a bigger venue that focused on the grassroots of the urban culture scene.

The celebrations continue opening "The Out Sounds from Way in: Imaginary Album and Music Show" and “Extended Play” exhibitions. Anniversaries are big and for six years Vinyl on Vinyl redefines their identity why it was originally named for.

Live music performances coupled with some fine sounds while appreciating are done over old vinyl records hardly recognized. The usual keg had reinforcement to continue dispersing cold beer. You look around to see the walls have vinyl with art over them featuring some of the best works from the urban art community.

You’ll definitely going to see a live art done of a spinning vinyl at the “Extended Play” section, where more colorful art is on exhibit along with the others that occupied the gallery. It was an art show to remember how six years had gone by and here is Vinyl on Vinyl celebrating its anniversary with some of the images taken from the opening itself that is definitely good vibes for the perspective.

'Extended Play' and 'The Out Sounds from Way in: Imaginary Album and Music Show' (in the main gallery) groups shows run three weeks beginning September 3rd. For more details about the art being exhibits visit Vinyl on Vinyl art gallery located at 2135 warehouse II 2nd floor, Chino Roces Avenue Pasong Tamo, Makati City.

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