Monday, October 3, 2016

Dead Men Tell No Tales Teaser is Here!

10.03.2016 – The long awaited sequel to the “Pirates of the Caribbean” is finally teased that features Javier Bardem’s Captain Salazar in “Dead Men Tell No Tales."

Bardem’s character is introduced in this teaser and it’s been almost two years since they wrap up production that brings you to this teaser...

The opening sequence shows that a ship is being attacked by the undead and a young man in prison was approached by Captain Salazar. The young man could possibly be Will Turner’s son all grown up as one of the premise for “Dead Men Tell No Tales.”

Closely looking further to the scenes Captain Salazar is not your usual pirate that Sparrow has previously dealt with the undead even politely asked the young man to send the message to eccentric Pirate Captain that death is coming after him…

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” is headed to the cinema near you on May 26, 2017 from Walt Disney Studios!

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