Monday, May 6, 2019

FCBD Philippines | Is Reading Relevant?

05.06.2019 – Twelve years since 2007 Free Comic book Day in the Philippines has gotten bigger than anyone have imagined. The lines have gotten longer the crowds become massive that there’s a fine line there between which actually reads and those join in just because the word has something to do with “FREE.”

In this generation of digital age the lingering question if there are still people really reading these type of medium? FCBD is considered “the Christmas for Pop Culture Nerds” no doubt the crowd would be there for pageantry.

Every year since 2013 Fully Booked and Comic Odyssey has collaborated to build up the hype that everyone lined up for every first Saturday in the month of May. But in those six years only in 2018 was a different year. Comic Odyssey decided to organize their FCBD event solo for the first time since 2012. This is due to the new location that opened earlier that same year, which made an impact for Fully Booked that gave a break for both companies.

Of course Fully Booked just went on to hand out FCBD titles last year that was quite different when both companies have made the event unforgettable to local pop culture nerds in Manila. Although the one year separation was a forgotten story both went back like a scene in Avengers Endgame where they fixed everything like a snap.

The FIRST THREE at the Door. Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey & Fully Booked.

Back Issue Bin Finders Inside at the shop. Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey & Fully Booked. 

There have been other shops that participated this year with Filbar’s promoting FCBD at two of their newly opened locations in The Podium and Festival Mall was a hit having such names as Leinil Yu and Pol Medina Jr. certainly not only caught attention to local followers of these artful masters, but it cements the store’s identity that they’re still the local comic shop you’ve known for forty years even though the new owners have taken over and made sure the legacy of Filbar’s will continue to the next generation of nerds in the age of social media.

At The Podium Mall there a line that slowly formed for FCBD 2019. Photo Courtesy of Filbars.

The untouched shelf before the storm in Glorieta Mall. Photo Courtesy of Planet X Comic Shop.

Just another day at Druid's Keep on Free Comic Book Day 2019. Photo Courtesy of Ruben Nacion.

For those who never really go to these comic shops kudos to the geeks who really are passionate comicbook readers to participate and support these underrated shops like Druid's Keep that moved back to its original location in Magallanes after so many years at The Fort, and Planet X Comic Shop, the store rarely people frequently visit had their regular customers lined up to get their weekly pull list as well as FCBD titles were reserved for them as a reward for keeping their stores open.

Back at Fully Booked in Bonifaction High Street the line has grown to two hundred plus people. In the past these long lines where quite wild in comparison to FCBD held in Adelaide in South Australia, where you find a diverse crowd not just nerds but senior citizens and professionals working in the trade industry would show up.

In the Philippines the common mentality about most Filipinos who don’t read comicbooks would say this medium is for kids and that’s their personal opinion. But in reality when you look at the bigger picture comicbooks inspire a fairly large age group from those who became parents to their children as well as those who became known in the industry as illustrators and writers producing this material.

The comicbooks are a window to a child’s imagination and inspire others to pursue their dreams. Sadly, not a majority of people in the Philippines actually read comicbooks. No one can’t say those who lined up to Free Comic Book Day that are actual fans as the culture of the country that has so many hardship that the word “FREE” is a novelty compared to Western countries that this word is just part of everyday life.

But reading comicbooks don’t die like the throwaway culture that the Philippines has been known for. Organizers of Komikon would continue to fight and cultivate the culture with their annual conventions. Gerry Alanguilan, the writer/illustrator of the Award Winning “Elmer” has put together a Komikero Komiks Musuem in his hometown of San Pablo in Laguna to preserve the Philippine Comics of the past, present, and, the future for those who would strike up an interest to name a few who would keep the legacy of Filipino culture alive.

The Coveted Marvel titles for FCBD 2019: Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey & Fully Booked.

Local Komiks from Komikon & Anino Comics were given away also at FCBD 2019. Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey.

Is Reading Still Relevant?

The answer depends on who you’re asking but of course it is a resounding YES. As long as there are independent publishers supporting these creative writers and illustrators that are really passionate to tell their story and there are going to be readers. Even though the local libraries are not as alive as what they have been in the last decade ago.

For those who don’t really know what Free Comic Book Day stands for it would be a shame for you to line up and not know what this annual event is all about. It’s not about getting free comicbooks just for the reason to brag about it. The idea started in the US back in 2002 to promote “READING” as kids nowadays are either glued to their handheld videogame consoles or losing the ability to have a social life away being stuck online for what social media is doing.

The aerial view of the tables of FCBD 2019 titles as people pick their favorites. Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey.

Its not only an event that help promote the local bookstores and comic shops that are participating around the country, but also helps with physical social activity in meeting people face-to-face not just Facebooking or Instagraming and that’s what makes this event an annual celebrated culture that gathers people from all walks of life and builds social activity among those who rarely gets out that is also a healthy way of saying it.

Local artists at the Top Shelf were you get to meet them. Photo Courtesy of Comic Odyssey & Fully Booked.

At the end of this long chaotic happy stressful moment it is just something to help promote literacy as what the young ones need a break from social media and meet their local comicbook heroes that crafted these amazing stories and just have a bit of chat to get to know them not only those who have the talent to write stories and create impressive art, but to know them like any regular person and that’s why comicbooks continue to be relevant no matter what country you are right now.

For more announcements and inquiries about which bookstores and comic shops participating on Free Comic Book Day follow the updates through social media via Facebook!

Photos Coustesy of:

Comic Odyssey
Filbar's Online
Ruben Nacion on Instagram

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