Thursday, June 20, 2019

Asia Pop Comic Con 2019 | POSTPONED

06.20.2019 – By now everyone must have accepted the bitter news that has been officially announced that has been going on for the past few weeks even in months. The Asia Pop Comic Con Manila has been canceled to much fanfare of this international event this comes not much big news for some.

Conventions come and go in other countries but this is not the first time an event did not push through for this year. There were rumblings behind-the-scenes and some even speculate too much that the bottom line for this happening now is part how business works in the Philippines why this event did not last this long.

When you look at a bigger perspective it wasn’t that surprising this happened to Asia Pop Comic Con or APCC for that matter. There are so many factors why this beloved fan convention did not happen for this year and probably won’t even come back any time soon. If you’ve been attending local events only in the Philippines you won’t even have any idea why most conventions stopped organizing in your state or country.

The official announcement has been posted just a few minutes earlier before lunchtime (Philippine Local Time) confirming the announcement the postponed this year’s APCC participation after four years of consistency that started in 2015 it puts a broader perspective that this event is literally not happening as you see this posted on their Facebook page that had already mixed reactions…

The Philippines have so many conventions and events happening all year round that most of these slowly cease to exist because of one thing, Money. In other countries like in Australia you’ve probably know already why Oz Comic Con stop organizing one in Adelaide because of business and besides that it is a state territory there’ not enough people to spend hundreds of Aussie dollars.

With APCC, it is not about the lack of support it is the business side that killed this event regardless if they have not announced who’s who going to this year or whatever was in store it is still about the money. The Philippines is an “invest now” mentality and there’s no real and genuine support for the event from all aspects of the country’s community besides the geeks and fans huge support.

You can compare it why Supernova continues to be the big event in Australia even having one organized in a state territory like Adelaide that is comparable to Davao City that still have a support not only to the local community but the state government for the reason why organizers continue to put an event in a ‘sleepy town.’ But in the Philippines there’s no actual support for APCC and if there ever was you’d probably see the city’s mayor putting their support in making this event stay in the first place.

But no real long term community support and they only want to add cost for the event to stay is not a viable business partnership for them to continue organizing APCC in this country and that is one of the factors for the cancellation of this event.

Like any cancelled event there will be others to step up and take over, but it won’t be the same as an international convention like APCC. Unless Reed Exhibition decides to invenst put up a Manila Comic Con or some sort similar to APCC. But seriosuly don’t expect any local events to be in that type of calibre when it comes to quality of the shows.

The only events that are worth going to is not in the Philippines like the upcoming Supernova in Sydney, Australia this month and Singapore Comicon the re-branded STGCC happening in December and if you are keen on travelling in other parts of Asia for that fan convention experience there is also the Indonesia Comic Con in October. For local flavors not entirely ‘fan convention’ per se are Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit (ESGS) in October and Komikon in November.

With regard to APCC don’t dissed the event entirely they might return in another name or completely re-branded event. You’ll never know what’s going to happen next maybe it’s just time for the organizers to re-think and give this a rest, for now.

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