Monday, August 12, 2019

Agents of Atlas #1 | Riding the Wave of Artists

08.12.2019 – The weekend had full schedule of Filipino comics-related events with Komikon Indieket now at everyone’s rear view. This continues with the signing event at Comic Odyssey that has been announced a month early. This is after the reveal for the “Agents of Atlas” regular series spinning off from War of the Realms Saga.

The first issue features four variant covers including the regular release that featured artists Leinil Yu doing Wave, Carlo Pagulayan with Jason Paz inspiring the classic Giant X-Men #1, and special painted cover by Mico Suayan. The event had long lines at Comic Odyssey handed down numbered stubs.

Besides the signings featuring the above mentioned artists they also have Romulo Fajardo who did the colors for the Aero #1 Wave cover variant that includes the Virgin Edition. There’s so much to celebrate Wave’s successful addition to the “Agents of Atlas” team as her origin was featured in Aero #1.

Everyone is riding the Wave during Sunday’s festivities as Filipino artists continue to contribute to the legend of the first Filipino-created Marvel superhero breaking the mainstream. Could there be a future where Marvel and Mars Ravelo Komiks ever have a crossover between Darna and Wave? It might be too early to have the pipedream, but for now in case you missed out on everything that happened at Comic Odyssey here are some images from that event.

Agents of Atlas #1 series by writers Greg Pak and Jeff Parker with artists Gang Hyuk Lim and Carlo Pagualyan is now available at your local comic shops featuring variant covers by Leinil Yu (SOLD OUT), Mico Suayan, and Carlo Pagulayan with Jason Paz with cover price $3.99 USD or PhP 300.00 Pesos!

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