Monday, November 25, 2019

Komikon Grande | Legendary Weekend

11.24.2019 – Komikon was Grande on its fifteenth season featuring Legendary Creators headlining this event is not only the main extravagant of this annual ‘Kon.’ There were so many reasons why this continues to promote relevance of Filipino Komiks that has attracted an international scene.

For this year it goes back to spotlight a handful of talents from the past that is headlining this event and also a plethora of self-published works that saw its launch, which has been in the radar for those who followed the authors and artists. It is a buffet of impressive publication as well as merchandise that defined this show.

Prior to opening its doors to the public the organizers and exhibitors were early to set up their tables and wares. Every year Komikon not only grows in numbers of people visiting this event, but also the published graphic novels that is exclusively launched for this event. There are rare gems that you might not see in the program catalog that you may need to sift through the exhibitors that participated this year.

In the past Komikon the huge crowds usually feel like in a marathon to run through the entrance, but this year has been quite the calm before the storm. Of course there are some special incentives for early patrons to feed their show bags of all greatness for this event. Komikon is not just about Filipino Komiks it also have merchandise ranging from button pins, stickers, postcards, and clothing.

There’s too much to go through all this glorious madness and all you need is take a deep breath and gather your thoughts on where to start. The wide isles for smooth flow of traffic certainly keep the crowd active and not stopping to build up congestion. In case you missed Saturday or even the last day here’s something to be excited for next year how things went down and claimed the weekend.

Bathala has landed

Twenty years in the making and it was officially launched at Komikon Grande. The Children of Bathala, the sequel to the award winning “The Mythology Class” was one of the much purchased graphic novel not only due to the logn awaited series. But also Arnold Arre was there for the whole Saturday fanfare meeting fans and signing books.

It was even competing with Manix Abrera’s usual signing just opposite of Arre’s table where there was a number issued. Manix released the late4st volume of Kikomachine Komix fifteenth book compilation that has a cover that takes inspiration from the old Jack Kirby/Marvel Comics covers from the 1960s with his own twist.

For Arnold of course is not as wild as when Neil Gaiman came to the country and did a three-day signing event in three different venues from sun up to sundown. It was actually a workout of sorts as Arnold muscled his way signing and doing a quick sketch for fans and long-time readers of his works.

Hidden Gems and Panels

The view of fans lining up to Manix’s table to new titles released by Lyndon Gregorio and a compendium book for Nowhere Tree by Mitze Bajet was in the list of must haves. National Bookstores has a prominent space outside the main hall where they are unloading graphic novel sale while Gerry Alanguilan also has his works available as his table is set up and ready to welcome his fans. Besides the activity at the main hall there also panels that were ongoing from short animated feature like Ella Arcangel to documentaries by Jay Ignacio featuring Alex Nino was the subject of interest in these discussions.

Besides these scheduled happenings Gerry Alanguilan also have a panel featuring the Komikero Komiks Museum, Ian Velasquez talking about Kenkoy’s 90th anniversary, and Ian Sta. Maria shares the story how “Salamangka” came to be while living in Denmark where some interesting narratives in this parts of Komikon.

There is More Merchandise

Saturday was quite busy for Komikon Grande as the organizers continue to preach Filipino Komiks and why they matter especially the authors and illustrators that defined this event. You can see that local artists breaking into the international scene are also present signing their works and doing sketches too.

Comic Odyssey has Miguel Mercado, Harvey Tolibao, and Justine Frany while the stars of Komiks Kalye take up a temporary resident at Conference Room F. Certainly one for the books to be at this year’s Komikon with newly published works exclusively released for this event at the same time some merch that you don’t see anywhere but here is just one of the hidden gems that you might stumble upon.

Overall it was a veritable busy weekend at the Bayanihan Center, which had so much to offer even on the very last minute of the last hour of Sunday. It is the Komiks Event that closes the year, which was the most anticipated and surely you’ll want to come back for more and 2020 is just around the corner!

“Komikon Grande Legendary” was from 23 to 24 November 2019 at the Bayanihan Centre inside the Unilab Complex. For more about the year-round events follow Komikon on Social Media via Facebook and Instagram!

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