Monday, March 2, 2020

Secret Fresh + tokidoki | Secret Rainbow

03.02.2020 – tokidoki (“sometimes” in Japanese) has become a global brand and collaborated with iconic brands that put Simone Legno’s works in the map as produced into an apparel, clothing, footwear, and accessories. He’s been to the Philippines several times to promote his brand or just for a visit.

This recent Sunday was the newest collaboration with Secret Fresh, but this time around it is not only featuring his works as part of the exhibit. It is considered a triple launch of partnerships between the art gallery and tokidoki to bring something new that is an exclusive.

It was another Sunday of launches at Secret Fresh Gallery, which now continues to expand through their apparel partnerships with other brands. The Secret Fresh brand is growing and getting its name stamped that means high quality for producing one-off clothing and apparel line and this continues with tokidoki.

For this recent one it was collaboration with tokidoki and Simone Legno, who is present signing autographs and doing sketch art for his fans at his solo art show as well as introducing the new line of exclusive apparel with the gallery and a line of furniture from sixinch is still humbled by the turnout.

Secret Fresh + tokidoki

You expect this collaboration is a done deal to being sold out for those long-time brand aficionados of tokidoki and if you add up Secret Fresh it means you’re getting the best quality clothing apparel can buy with shirts and hoodies released on the same day Simone Legno opens up his latest solo art show at the Secret Fresh Gallery.

There are three shirt designs that were available and a fourth one being an online exclusive for women. There are also a set of hoodie designs and the mustard colored hoodie was certainly a hit with everyone with that unique color from the usual black and grey motif it sure has been flying off the shelves since 3 PM in the afternoon.

Secret Rainbow

Simone Legno continues to reinvent his style when it comes to producing art pieces and if you’re used to the clean and crisp perspective of his works check out the most recent paintings that takes the opposite take on his beloved creations. Simone also signs some autographs for his long-time fans and those who purchased the shirts.

The Italian artist is humbled and continues to be overwhelmed by the turnout on his latest partnership with Secret Fresh. Simone is still the same nice chap who had his last exhibit in this gallery several years ago. There are new faces too who are lining up to have their shirts signed and definitely will continue making great art.

Sixinch + tokidoki

Besides the launch of Simone’s latest solo art show and the exclusive apparel collaborations with Secret Fresh he also get to partner with SIXINCH furniture, an international brand from Belgium to produce some limited edition tokidoki furniture based from his designs that are manufactured in the Philippines.

This set of chairs shaped like the star or a logo of the tokidoki brand are some of those designs that will be limited and exclusive only sold in the country. You can customise it based on the color guide available as well as the size and dimension that will fit in your home is certainly tops up the launch for tokidoki.

“Secret Rainbow” the Solo Art Show featuring Simone Legno is now on exhibit from 1-13 March 2020 at the Secret Fresh gallery. For more about the next art shows follow Secret Fresh on social media via Facebook and Instagram!

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