Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Space Encounters | Future Perfect

In the world of Bryan Yabut, there’s a “Future Perfect” that is actually the title of his solo show by Space Encounters Gallery. In the midst of a larger art event his works were a subtle tribute from part of his youth growing up and the pop culture that shaped a generation that still have the nostalgia from the era of the 80s and 90s.

Bryan Yabut’s body of work is obviously a reflections of growing up and six art pieces defines his personality and nods to the animation and print medium of a bygone yesteryears were they also influenced and aspire this budding artist.

His works are in exhibit at the seventh floor of the gallery was quite low key, and just keeping it a minimalist as possible. But when you look at his works each have its story to tell and possibly remind of your youth. From Dennis the Menace (there was a UK version) to the Peanuts Gang gives you an idea that each of these pieces also tells how music has an influence to Bryan Yabut.

It’s a subtle to how they are incorporated in the artworks and gives you an objective clarity how a narrative is woven through their creation. Clearly, it’s not just transporting you back to the ‘good old days’ but also adds your curiosity in trying to find Easter eggs that has become part of the artist’s style.

“Future Perfect” is Bryan Yabut’s solo show with Space Encounters Gallery, which runs from 22 March to 13 April 2022. For more about Bryan Yabut’s past works and future projects follow him on social media via Instagram.

Space Encounters Gallery is located Level 7 of the Padilla Building in Emerald Ave., and for more upcoming events follow and LIKE them on their social media via Facebook and Instagram!

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