Sunday, May 22, 2022

Meeting of Styles | Truth is Light

Meeting of Styles has been in a two-year hiatus during the pandemic. But with everything slowly going back to how it was before, the event as most known in the urban culture scenes is finally making it happen. There was a huge turnout at the parking grounds of Anonas in Quezon City, where the event happened.

The gathering of the most talented visual artists that featured the young upstarts and the well-established ones converged to show up and paint their passionate artistic desires as MOS in the Philippines’ last day though it rained was a success.

If you’re not into Street Art of Graffiti, chances are you’re limited to appreciate the overall artistry the Philippines has to offer. This is the fertile grounds where you’ll find the next best thing in the urban scene. Meeting of Styles has been organized by Trip63 and Carrot Bombing since the heydays of what is street art culture.

The event has been held in its early days somewhere in Marikina, and now it has been home to the Parking Grounds of Anonas LRT Center since 2016. Artists from different walks of life doing graffiti to impressive murals, not only show up to paint, but also the sticker culture is thriving too with the mastery and appreciation to this medium that you see most of them trading creations from behind the scenes.

There have been foreigners, who were spotted there as well as those who have internationally established themselves in the global scene. But the untapped gems of this event are those who thrive still honing and learning their skills in the underground scene that surely makes this event the place to visit each year.

If you want to see talented visual artists that you never heard or met in person, this is the place to see their works painted beautifully, and how their imagination put on paper come to life in those large murals and definitely the upstarts are the ones to keep an eye out that continues to learn and still genuinely keeping their feet on the ground not making you promises, but continue to be real and deliver great art in this realm of artistry.

Meeting of Styles Philippines is an annual event, which was recently held at the Anonas LRT Center at the Parking Grounds, and for more you can follow on social media via Facebook and Instagram.

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