Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Arte Bettina | Flying Spooks, Dreams & Nite Sprite

The power of storytelling is not just about writing but also can be seen visually by artists who can tell a story without the need for words, and that comes naturally for Paulo Amparo in his first solo show with Arte Bettina for a limited run featuring all his works that inspired his childhood dreams, fantasy, and a little bit of Japanese Anime that he put together for this show.

Visually was not enough as this is accompanied by special art toy sculptures to make it more unique to tell three of his artworks about these characters. It might inspire young minds to those who would discover his work.

For a painter and sculptor like Paulo Amparo, this is his ensemble featuring some of the vibrant coloured works that invite you to the world where his imagination is realized through the journey he has envisioned since growing up. Putting together this masterpiece is hard work and it paid off.

You can see each art brings you to a place that he painted from his visualization of a world that tells each of its narratives, and it is a place you don’t need to travel as it is in this image that tells them all. They are vivid and colourful to a fault, The setup at the gallery is not that extravagant, but the simplicity can tell you the story.

In case you missed the reception and have no time to visit the gallery, you can check out these images that will take you to the world that Paulo Amparo has created…

“Flying Spooks, Dreams & Nite Sprite” is a Solo Art Show featuring Paulo Amparo that is already on exhibit, from 25 November until 4 December 2023 at Arte Bettina Gallery. For more about other upcoming art shows, you can follow Arte Bettina on Social Media via Facebook and Instagram.

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