Saturday, November 18, 2023

Galerie Stephanie | Dreams

Most people are still dreaming, but Manix Abrera, the man has been working hard to make that Dream happen and more. He’s been at his peak in creating stories from panel to panel while appearing in local comic shops and events signing autographs and meeting with his longtime fans.

This time, Manix is having the time of his life traveling and seeing the world. It is also that he is reliving a Dream of having his next Solo Art Show with Galerie Stephanie, and this is not the first time he’s done it. But this is one exhibit, where you don’t see the comic strips and artwork anywhere as a one-off that’s great to see.

“Dreams” is the latest solo art show coming from Manix Abrera, and this is going to be another sold-out for his great panels of narrative with some relatable to everyday life for Filipinos who continue to make that dream happen. The latest exhibit that is now open at Galerie Stephanie already shows that Manix can do visual art.

The tiny little panels painted on canvas are something of a signature style that Manix incorporated in his previous Solo Art Shows, and it stands out as some of each of these painted art explains the story behind its image. This is a testament to Manix Abrera that stories are limitless and he continues to hatch new concepts and ideas that keep him relevant to this day.

In case you are unaware of this side of Manix Abrera, check out these images of the exhibit that will have an artist reception today…

“Dreams” is a Solo Art Show featuring Manix Abrera, which is already on exhibit beginning 16 November 2023, and the artist reception happens today, 18 November 2023 at the Galerie Stephanie at 5 pm (Manila Time).

For more upcoming exhibits and announcements, you may follow Galerie Stephanie on social media via Facebook and Instagram!

Visit the blog at: GalerieStephanie.Shop

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