Thursday, November 16, 2023

Vinyl On Vinyl | Cross Over

Four Galleries, Four Artists, and Four Locations that define the title of this Group Show: “Cross Over.” It is not like the multiverse is about to collide on top of each other. But four galleries, including Art Underground, Galerie Stephanie, Village Art Gallery, and Vinyl on Vinyl Gallery, have collaborated to promote four artists.

Reen Barrera, Mr. S, GNCH, and SAIS have teamed up to bring their collective style of artistry through paintings and art toy sculptures. The first leg begins at VoV which is currently on display and then continues at Galerie Stephanie, Village Art Gallery culminating finally with Art Underground at the end of this month.

The reception night was packed this recent Tuesday with the collaboration of the featured artists' works in full display. Each individual brings their uniqueness to the exhibit with all-new works defining each of their art styles. The combination of different works brings a new vibe to the group show.

Getting to create art is not all about the seriousness, but also bringing child-like wonder and at the same time creating a collaboration that works for the four artists to exist in their chosen world merging with their art styles that redefine a new perspective for gallery visitors to see!

In case you missed out on opening night, here are some images at the gallery:

“Cross Over” is a collaborative ensemble featuring Reen Barrera, Mr, S, GNCH, and SAIS with their works being featured in fort art galleries in Art Underground, Village Art Gallery, Galerie Stephanie, and Vinyl on Vinyl.

For more details about the art being exhibited visit Vinyl on Vinyl art gallery located at 2241 Pasillo 18 La Fuerza Compound Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.

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