Sunday, April 28, 2024

PBF 2024 | Komiks & Poetry Slams

If you haven’t been looking for books or an event that promotes all the locally published books then you might want to check out the Philippine Book Festival, which has been open since Thursday. Saturday was no exception with local artists and publishers being busy with their various activities since day one and this is Day 3.

Most activities are at the main stage where various programs are happening. There are also mini-activities happening at some of the exhibitors for this event. There are also foreigners visiting this event and checking out what the Philippine publication has to offer regarding children’s books to popular graphic novels that you may find at this event, where you can find them in good deals.

It is quite a spectacle for bookworms and those looking forward to this event. The “Komiks” section of this event continues to be lively with local artists promoting their self-published graphic novels as well as signing some of them for the fans. It was surely a festive late afternoon towards the evening before closing time.

You can find original published “komiks” in this section as well as some of the organizers who are about to have their event next month. Outside this section, you can also find book publishers and bookstores that publish textbooks. This event is certainly shaping up to be a destination for those who think published material is still a thing despite that most of the book formats can be also found as digital content.

Komiks is for all

It’s no secret that Filipino Komiks are thriving and some are making it to the international publication. There’s plenty of newly published material that you may find interesting at the Komiket booth, while at the Komikon booth, they are promoting their upcoming event next month (25-26 May 2024).

Pol Medina, the creator of Pugad Baboy is just signing books and having a photo opportunity with his fans, while Manix Abrera is sketching on the other side. There are old and new materials that you may find in the “Komiks” section of the event.

Lastly, Kurusako is also in this event, you may find his art prints, and books interesting as there. If you are into American-published comics, Comic Odyssey is also here for you to dig in the long box where you might discover that floppy copy that is missing in your collection. There’s plenty of that too as well as the mural area where you leave your sketch work and some dedication when you can.

Poetry Slams in a Festive Place

To learn the Filipino culture you must also see the Poetry Slams that is part of the event’s program last night. It was certainly a fun way to see the poets that compose their original material (in Tagalog, of course). The crowd where all in attention in watching each young talent share their thoughts and aspirations through their poems.

In the surrounding area, you won’t get hungry in the middle of the program as food booths are providing some grub for the hungry bookish nerd in the crowd. Not much is explored on the right side of the stage, but there are books for all things from education and other interesting books that you may stumble upon.

The fun moment won’t stop there until a group photo from the local Komiks artists shows that the publication of this medium is alive and well, and there’s plenty of that on the last day today at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.

Philippine Book Festival” is happening from 25 until 28 April 2024, and it is a FREE entry to walk-ins who only need to register to enter the main hall. The event is open from 8 AM to 8 PM, and for more about the event you may follow them on your social media via Facebook and Instagram!

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