Sunday, June 2, 2024

Vinyl on Vinyl | Make A Wish

When you “Make A Wish” sometimes it happens, and often it is part of the element when you put the effort to make it materialize. Also, an opportunity will arise to make that become a reality and you get to put your best foot forward as Mimaaaaaaaaw is making it happen in her first-ever Solo Exhibit from her journey as a street artist to her continued evolution as a visual artist.

Mimaaaaaaaaw is an up-and-coming artist based in Cavite City who started as a street artist painting murals with an affinity to cats as part of her ensemble an element that you will see in her works defines her journey as an artist.

This is not the first time she had an exhibit, but previous works were part of a group or a two-artist exhibit. This time she gets cracking in making it on her own with her latest show putting together the elements that make her the person and the artist that define her journey through hardships and putting together one of the most visited gallery sections at Vinyl on Vinyl.

Countless appreciation was there for Mimaaaaaaaaw from colleagues, family, friends, and her contemporary artist there’s nothing but appreciation for this young woman who put up the work as she did all the visual set up and the painting work on the ‘wishing well’ installation that has become the attraction of her solo exhibit.

There have been elements inside her exhibit that you might have missed when you visited the reception last night. Her works have been immediately sold out including the tiniest artwork that hardly gallery visitors won’t notice. “Make A Wish” is truly something to be inspired by coming from an artist who still wants to learn and evolve while maintaining her signature art style that’s vibrant and colourful.

“Make A Wish” is a Solo Art Show featuring Mimaaaaaaaaw at Vinyl on Vinyl, which is currently on exhibit from 1 to 29 June 2024. For more of Mimaaaaaaaaw's past and upcoming works, you can also follow on social media via Instagram.

For more details about the art being exhibited visit Vinyl on Vinyl art gallery at 2241 Pasillo 18 La Fuerza Compound Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.

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