Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bloody Good Show for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter!

07.03.2012 – Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was recently shown in 3D for the invited press media last night. The visually impressive axe wielding 16th President of the United States America was quite an entertainment to fans who have read the novel based from the of the same name by Seth Grahame-Smith.

If you plan to watch the film please be warned that some potential spoilers might mentioned in this review. But if you want to see how it goes move forward and read about our analysis of the film.

Originally the film was supposed to be the fourth film in the Sam Raimi directed franchise but when everything did not pushed through the studio which is Columbia Pictures opted on a fresh reboot and take of the character’s beginnings.

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most popular US Presidents in America that his popularity transcends to other medium which takes us to his fictional story of being a vampire hunter and when he took office at the White House. Some parts of his personal history are inaccurate but given that this is just for entertainment purposes sure why not.

Visually the axe wielding president slicing his way through a horde of vampires is like he’s giving us a dance of to the death. Its unfortunate to the blood suckers Honest Abe knows how to treat them in a good time.

Ben Walker delivers was great as Abraham Lincoln with some quirky humor added to some scenes and he almost looked vaguely like the president himself. Mary Elizabeth Winstead known from her previous notable roles like Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim VS The World plays the romantic interest as Mary Todd. The other actors are great and Rufus Sewell as Adam is no push over vampire.

The action sequences and the big set explosions will definitely attract people who doesn’t want teen related movies like the Amazing Spider-Man as in other countries we don’t know why are not pleased about this film.

The most interesting part does not start until you see Stan Lee’s cameo where everyone’s reaction was in high praises. It may be less than five minutes but Stan Lee’s cameos in all the Marvel films are the most important part to see and this is the most yet.

Though there are inaccuracies as some might say this is another popcorn flick to look at if you had enough web-shooting when you prefer vampire hunting as the next best thing with spectacular visuals on 3D. We definitely appreciate the movie and it was not dragging as we move to the next scene and things fall into place without ending on a train wreck so to speak.

If your thinking Seth Grahame-Smith made the president as a likable vampire slaying hero then you might try to read the novel after seeing this film. It will give you a better perspective of how the 16th president of the United States of America became a hot commodity slaying vampires.

Abraham Lincoln: The Vampire Slayer overall is a fun movie with plenty of moves and gun blazing scenes from start to finish of course you can never have a good film without paying attention to the story. We rate this film 8.5/10 as this deserves as an alternative to one of the movies being shown this week

Opens across the country on July 4, 2012 (available in 3D and 2D) from our friends at 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

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