Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teaser: Marvel will see Jean Grey return (again)

The inevitable will finally happen... Again. I can't say I'm too surprised by this given her "appearance" in Avengers Vs X-Men. After all, she IS the Phoenix, and her return is one of those things that just has happen after a brief period of absence.

Reported by the likes of Bleeding Cool and Superherohype, it appears that Cyclops' ex-wife and x-Men teammate Jean Grey will be coming back from the dead and returning to the pages of Marvel Comics sometime very soon. Entertainment Weekly reported the scoop, and has also posted a teaser pic drawn by Joe Quesada to confirm that the former Marvel Girl and Phoenix will indeed be coming back. How and in what capacity though still remains to be seen. For more info and details on the story, visit the source post at Bleeding Cool, Superherohype, and EW!

*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm

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