Saturday, July 14, 2012

Geekfight!: Trivia Night 2nd Anniversary Tournament!

07.14.2012 – Last night’s Geek Fight: Trivia Night! Showed some serious porn geeks who participated and also celebrated the tournament’s 2nd anniversary at the Quantum Café. The topic of course is related to people and other things related to pornography.

You see Geek Fight is diverse not only to the usual pop culture geekerie about general television, movies, comics or related to online media. It also has topics for the adult side which was taken lightly and they did not show any grotesque positions no geek brain can take.

Basically to for all the fun just to be the geek in you that was their topic last night. Of course some of the ladies where dressed to impress and give some of the guys something to look at.

We were in the previous one the last time and this is another trivia night to check it out. The Geek Fight has become an underground institution for those hard core geeks out there and it challenges new intelligent quotient.

If you missed last night’s festivities check out some of the images captured during the 2nd anniversary celebration of Geek Fight! Trivia Night!

The next GeekFight! Trivia Night happens on July 13, 2012 which celebrate the event on its second anniversary and it’s going to be a “Friday The 13th” that day and if you want to join in assemble a team and get ready to rumble!

The next round of tournaments happens on July 23, 2012 at Last Home Resto Bar in Mandaluyong City and their theme for that night will be “Fight back Home” with a themed quiz that plays off the decades-old conflict between Sci-Fi and Fantasy (and the various subgenres caught between the extremes on the speculative fiction spectrum).

For more details of the next trivia challenges go straight to the Event Schedule and prepare for the rumble in Geek Fight! Trivia Night!

For more details about GeekFight! Trivia Night visit the Official Website or LIKE their Facebook Page where you can find the updated events and announcements!

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