Saturday, July 14, 2012

Komikon: Indieket 2012 Convention Coverage!

07.14.2012 – Komikon’s Indieket had a huge turn out and this event was geared to promote the independent Philippine comics scene. The event definitely gave the independent comic book publishers a voice that is hardly noticed in other conventions in the country.

Komikon has definitely re-energized the Philippine comic book scene promoting the local culture since its inception in 2005. The rest followed suit giving the independent publishers a chance to promote and bring back the “Komiks” industry AND make this a reality.

The very first Indieket is more geared towards the independent publishers which is similar to A.P.E (Alternative Press Expo) organized by the same non-profit organization who brought you The San Diego Comic-Con International currently happening right now in the U.S.

The difference with Indieket is more like giving the participating independent artist and publisher a slot at the Indie Komiks Tiangge at the main Komikon happening on October 27, 2012.

The event won’t be a convention without its program which features three speakers started with Professor Emil Flores talking about how to start in comics as a writer. It is then followed by Melvin Calingo an independent artist himself talking about starting out as an illustrator and the different materials he used when he began to embark in breaking into the Filipino comic book scene.

Then finally, we got Gerry Alanguilan the Komikero based in Laguna who doesn’t need much introduction fresh from the success of the Supercrooks series with Leinil Yu and Mark Millar talks about his early days making Wasted and the award winning Elmer graphic novel.

In-between the three highlighted speakers, The Kwentillion Team, Paolo Chikiamco and Budjette Tan about its beginnings and revealing some never before seen manuscripts that did not make it to the printing of the first issue which was also given away for those who can answer the trivia questions. During the program outside the venue Carb Trim one of the sponsors set up to promote their product and give some free samples of their health drink.

There were notable independent publishers that we never got the chance to interact during the previous Summer Komikon last May that got a lot attention earlier today.

The Crime-Fighting Call Center Fighters fight back!

The team-up of Noel Pascual (a former call center agent himself) and artist extraordinaire AJ Bernardo published their work under Kowtow Comics. They launched their first issue in Komikon 2011 which received little notice. Then Summer Komikon 2012 came but when Indieket became the venue for independent publishing only exhibitors their copies of the Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents was definitely sold out like a sleeper hit movie.

Both Noel and AJ didn’t stay long at the recently concluded Indieket. They packed their stuff and the next thing we knew they were gone. But their hard work paid off to earn the top spot for the best original published material for Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents. Kowtow Comics will release the continuing adventures of the fantabolous (Fantastic + Fabolous) four characters of Chopped-Liver Noel, Sandra ‘The Man’, Charlie Also A Man, and Double-Taking Koontz at the annual Komikon on October 27, 2012.

Ambush gets RIPped!

Andrew Villar’s creation that first appeared in the broadsheet of Manila Bulletin released its latest issue featuring Amber’s last adventure. We spoke to Andrew about the latest issue of Ambush which eventually was unpublished in the daily strips of Manila Bulletin. It turns out that it was too dark for the regular readers who follow Amber’s adventures in the broadsheet.

This revelation of the latest issue of Ambush will be an exclusive release which first sold at Indieket. The cover was revealed previously when we featured the sneak preview of the comics last week. The surprising back cover of the comics features local actress Heart Evangelista holding a previous issue of Ambush.

Though there’s no related story behind the cover of Heart Evangelista she would pass up as the real-life Amber character that Andrew Villar created not too long ago. His artwork has greatly improved on this one and the dark tone of the story matches his pencils which definitely one of the “must buys” at Indieket.

You should pick up this issue as it’s released on a limited run. This might be sold at Comic Odyssey but the only way to get a copy of the latest issue of Ambush for now is you have to wait until the annual Komikon which is will be in three months.

Learn the words with the VOCAbolero book!

Lyndon Gregorio the creator of the successful Beerkada series on its 11th book is now reinventing himself with the latest book release of VOCAbolero a bite-sized book of deFUNitions which was compiled from its daily twitter feeds of every existing word and deconstructed into being used in the Filipino language.

It will be an exclusive book only sold at Komikon and if you plan to grab one it’s retailed at PhP 100.00 pesos with a free pin for convention buyers. You’ll surely see this at the next Komikon on October or even sold outside the Philippines. It’s already growing to be a great laugh book that you should check it out!

Notable Sights and Images at Indieket!

Rommel Estanislao’s Bruho Barbero comics are awesome and his figurines have great craftsmanship. The handmade creations of his characters from the silent adventures of his Tupang Itim (Black Sheep) to Bruho Barbero’s figurines can be bought by order since Rommel makes them in limited quantities. If you want to get your own figurine it’s a by request in a special order.

If you prefer to collect some of his comic book works grab a copy of Bruho Barbero, Heronimo alyas HERO (Heronimo alias HERO), and Anak ng Tupang Itim (Son of the Black Sheep). Most of them are also available at the Philippine indie section of Comic Odyssey.

Freely Abrigo was an honorary guest at Summer Komikon where he released Kapitan Tog (Captain Tog) and we featured one of his early creations in Kulas which compiled the daily strips that originally appeared in the broadsheet of the Manila Bulletin. His latest book on Kulas depicts the title character who parodied Nintendo’s Mario on the cover. Freely has revealed that he plans to launch a full-colored comic book edition of Kapitan Tog in the annual Komikon this October.

Dennis Crisostomo’s Studio Kaiba booth was the most loved section in the recently concluded Indieket featuring the plushy versions of his creations as well as Budjette Tan’s Trese Komix which was sold out.

Of course Budjette’s latest issue of Trese Komix in Precinto 13 featuring Kajo’s artwork was being sold like hot cakes too, while he was on stage in his new Trese Komix shirt promoting Kwentillion magazine that will have an event next weekend (July 21, 2012) at the Robinsons Galleria.

The Indieket won’t be an event without the heart in supporting their own artists who are in need and Johnny Danganan representing Komikero to help out manage the “Sketch for a Cause” featuring some of our talented artists led by Mr. Heubert Khan Michael with veteran artists Danny Acuna, Rico Rival, and rising artist Jomar Burda for your art commissions. There was also a live auction on stage and some raffle of prizes courtesy of Comic X Hub.

There are also some interesting Geek-related Filipino style shirts from FY Shirts that everyone can relate to the Filipino humor depicting Western characters such as Donald Duck selling Balut or Colonel Sanders of Ketucky Fried Chicken is into cock fighting (a Filipino traditional sport that pits two roosters do battle which ends sometimes in death) as sample of their limited apparel.

Overall the whole day affair was big at heart with the huge turnout for those who support the ever growing Filipino Pop Culture in comics and if we forgot to mention anyone that we interacted in the event we congratulate you all for the success of being part of this event until the next one.

The Komikon Group has outdone themselves once again with the new avenue for independent publishing in the Philippines and certainly it’s growing. We can’t wait for the annual Komikon happening in three months and definitely Filipino comics is back!

Get more updates and post coverage from the recent Komikon Indiket just LIKE the Official Facebook Page and follow them on Twitter: @indieket

For more events and announcement happenings from Komikon LIKE the Official Facebook Page and visit at: @komikontweets

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