Monday, October 14, 2013

DFA Pinoy Komiks Exhibit & Lecture Series!

10.14.2013 – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in collaboration of the Philippune Komiks Convention (KOMIKON) brings you “Pinoy Komiks: Transcending Cultures through Creative Fusion.”

This is co-organized by The Cultural Diplomacy Unit (CDU) of the Office of the Undersecretary for International Economic Relations (OUIER) and the Office of the United Nations and other International Organizations (UNIO). It’s a part of the DFA to promote the local culture and possibly bring them outside the Philippines.

Last month the DFA invited the Komiks community and the representatives of the Animation industry where they held a private seminar in showing their support to the Philippine culture and was announced to set two separate events.

Earlier this morning was the event that was collaborated between the DFA and Komikon which was the opening of the special exhibit featuring the local komiks from the past and the present that have displays of rare material never before seen in previous related events that you may have the chance to see it.

The following images are taken after the ribbon cutting ceremony and post program highlights what to see in the exhibit gallery. You can check out exclusive images that were taken early in the morning…

There will be a DFA Exhibit and Lecture Series on Pinoy Komiks that will be open to the public in the morning but for the rest of the day will be exclusive only to the employees. This will have talks by representatives of Komiks community.

Announcements will be made during the event itself and if you have free time to drop by check out the exhibit featuring the current artists who are making their works known.

The week-long exhibit on Pinoy Komiks entitled "Transcending Cultures through Creative Fusion" is located at the old DFA Building in Pasay City. As part of the event, the organizers will host lecture series on Pinoy Komiks for DFA personnel and other government agencies on October 16, 2013.

The Department and KOMIKON will also conduct a workshop for students of the Philippine School for the Deaf on Thursday, October 17, 2013.

LIKE the DFA UNIO on Facebook and for more inquiries, please direct them to the DFA PINOY KOMIKS Team at:

You can check out the updates also at KOMIKON and don’t forget to LIKE the Official Facebook Page or follow on Twitter at: @KomikonTweets

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