Sunday, November 17, 2013

Komikon 2013: The Many Things You Missed!

11.17.2013 – The 9th annual Kimikon was a mixed bag of excitement and a whole lot of fun. If you missed last Saturday’s festivities you should try going to the event next year since it’s going to be their tenth year.

But before you jump to 2014 check out what you missed out last Saturday. You might be there but didn’t get the chance to see each exhibitor who were selling good deals or missed the highlights of the stage program. You could have been busy digging up back issues or just hanging out with friends outside the hall.

Some called it the “Winter” Komikon but since the event is in the Philippines there’s no snow to associate this event from the weather. Komikon happens three times a year (Summer Komikon in April/May and Indiket in July/August) but this is the main Komikon. This is the granddaddy of the other two events that started it all since 2005.

Saturday was the most exciting Komikon ever since well when it first began selling 750 tickets and it was used to be at the UP Bahay ng Alumni in Quezon City. Probably by now the estimated visitors are growing each Komikon by the thousands.

The Bayanihan Center in the Unilab complex has been the Komikon’s home since 2010, and it has become the destination for those who really know what a pop culture convention that can be considered to stand along with other international events. The place is well-lighted, carpeted and the air conditioning is quite better than any other venues around. Some have mentioned Bayanihan Center is “off the radar”, but if you know the event or very much going in for the first time chances are you won’t have any difficulty visiting the place.

Before Entering The Main Hall

Let’s put out the ones that will definitely stop you from entering the Dr. Jose Y. Campos Hall. This is due to the interesting exhibitors that were placed prior to the entrance. The ones you’ll be seeing are Filbar’s, Bird House Bakers, Art Initiative, and National Bookstore.

The Grave Yards Bandits where not present early in the day until towards lunch time. Among the ones mentioned National Bookstore will literally stop you before entering the main hall of the event. This is because they are selling graphic novels that would break your savings, and they are just throwing out in the open for a price of PhP 100 to 300 pesos each way below the original retailed cover price.

Art Initiative

But before you end up digging up for the graphic novels that you want at NBS you’ll see Art Initiative passing through after purchasing the entrance ticket. They have some unique shirts that you’ll find one of a kind.

They featured graphic artists like NEMO Aguila who has been quite creative with concepts that definitely stand out if you’re familiar with his work.

Bird House Bakers

They have been around since they set up their table at Komikon last year, and they have become more creative each time they are there. For this Komikon they have featured one of Tepai Pascual’s character, and for someone like her to gain appreciation to her growing fans Bird House Bakers expands her creation in bringing Lapu-Lapu cupcake…

Kubori Kikiam and Puso Negro

Upon stepping in the main floor you’ll notice both sides have long tables of different artists selling their creations. But once you reached that corner before you take your right you’ll see the Point Zero and Section Six Comics table.

Michael David the creator of Kubori Kikiam is in high spirits. He’s ready to sell you his latest omnibus of the popular Kikiams, while JP Palabon who writes and does the art of Puso Negro has put up the best wardrobe for this event. Not to forget the way his table looks classy complete with props based on his creation, that you might find it rather odd but humorous.

Indonesian Comics Corner

Komikon has stepped up its exhibitors this year having international guests such as the Singaporeans in the Summer Komikon, and in the main event with the Indonesians having their well-known comics on exhibit.

Unfortunately all comic books are only for display and not for sale but it’s a preview for those who wants to know how their art and culture looks like. They are actually culture shocked about Komikon as Eerie one of the representatives said that this event is “crazy.”

Bruho Barbero and Omeng Shirts

Rommel Estanislao the creator of Bruho Barbero continues to expand his talent not only in comic books, figurines, and now venturing on clothing apparel. He was enthusiastic about having these ideas that others should be inspired about.

Now with his Omeng apparel you can definitely feel good wearing creative art based from Rommel’s ideas that are part of the Filipino popular culture. They actually sold out that day and there’s more of that where you can purchase it.

Tibok ng Utak Signing

When you think about it the title does make sense. “Tibok ng Utak” (Beat of the Mind” is a very intelligent but simple story about a girl who travelled in space and had a good conversation about her life. This was written by an international actor and indie muse in Mercedes Cabral.

This of course was drawn by the well-loved down to Earth artist in Manix Abrera who still continues to surprise his growing fans every Komikon with a very long line that never runs out.

Filipinos Heroes League

Paolo Fabregas, Jamie Bautista, and Kim Jacinto are the primary guest in this year’s Komikon. All of them have praises and appreciation received by the fans. But for Paolo Fabregas he has set a bar among the guests prior to his introduction and stepping on the stage to talk about his creation the Filipino Heroes League.

The former actor and son of a well-known TV personality have had his own cult following through his original comic book creation. This is not your average Avengers or Justice League inspired comic book.

Filipino Heroes League has all Filipino popular culture written all over it now having two books that can found being sold at book stores and comic shops nationwide.

Blue Bustamante

Every Komikon there is a highlight that defined each event to stand on its own. Summer Komikon last year had promoted an upcoming Filipino film and had a surprise guest in Mark Millar. This recent Summer Komikon there was a proposal of two artists on stage. For this Komikon you got Blue Bustamante.

Blue Bustamante is a Cinema One Originals Festival entry for 2013 and it’s already being screening to three locations since November 12. There’s nothing but good praises about this original concept about an engineer who works as an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker), who lost his job immediately before he has begun. But found an alternate job as a stunt double for a Japanese Sentai TV show.

The crew that has director Miko Livelo with producer and co-writer Joel Ferrer along with the energetic line producer Marie Frances Lee was present to promote the film. Not to forget the break out supporting actor in Jun Sabay ton who has been a frequent Komikon attendee since the days at UP Bahay ng Alumni.

They were selling shirts, posters designed by JP Cuison, and that limited edition action figure (only thirty pieces) which was produced by Imagine Design Studios.

The stage was heavily crowded when the Punch Kick production team stepped on the stage and spoke to host Jason Inocensio about the movie. They of course showed the two trailers and that interesting scenes with the kids. This also revealed that slow motion walk-off of George Bustamante that shows the coolness of this independent film.

After that Jun Sabayton came to the stage and talked to Jason about having a dance off to the tune of that saxophone version of Ted Ito’s song. The winner of course takes home the limited edition action figure and poster signed by JP Cuison.

The Fund Raising for Haiyan

Komikon is not just your typical convention, but also an event that defined why it differs from the other its well-known international counterparts. It’s the “Bayanihan Spirit” what makes Komikon unique given that the Komiks industry is replaced by a community.

The venue even named after the word “Bayanihan” and the event was geared towards to raising funds for the victims of super typhoon Haiyan (locally named as Yolanda). The biggest highlight for Komikon was handing over the donation to Red Cross before dismantling the tables and closing its doors.

Not only Komikon raised money they also donated clothes and packed foods, that was delivered to the Red Cross office in Sahaw Boulevard where other donations were being collected. This is not the first time Komikon has done to raise funds for calamities.

Other Happenings

The awarding ceremonies showed the winners as well as introducing Komikon’s new host in Jason Inocencio who definitely had a blast being the presenter of the event. Solar Day Break came toward the end of the event with Ms. Pat Fernandez who interviewed Ariel Atienza about the event.

There are more photos that were captured during the course of the event and feel free to browse below…

Komikon is the Philippine Komiks Convention that started in 2005 and will be the closer for their tenth year anniversary sometime in October/November.

The event has come a long way from being part in resurrecting the Philippine Komiks community, but also evolved in bringing independent Filipino popular culture through art and film.

You can say this is THE Filipino Pop Culture Convention that highlights the artists and their creations. This is the event that launches fresh original works from art, comics, film and merchandise that defined what a convention SHOULD BE.

Summer Komikon will open the tenth year anniversary in 2014. For more about the events LIKE Komikon on Facebook and follow at: @KomikonTweets

Visit the official site at:

1 comment:

  1. I go there, and this komikon is the reason why i suffer in massive nosebleeds because i see my favorite authors >/////< *Insert picture of massive nosebleeds here*
