Friday, January 13, 2017

Adelaide Comics Centre Moves to New Location

01.13.2017 – Adelaide Comics Centre was one of the two stores featured in 2015 that carry American produced works and also locally published serials featuring The Phantom, the pulp hero that was considered the hero ahead of Superman. The shop however is moving to a smaller venue and had announced its closing the old location.

The shop has been around since 1989 and would currently be the oldest around Adelaide in South Australia. Now they are moving in a smaller store inside Adelaide Arcade. It’s been a while since the last visit there, but here’s how they look now…

Yesterday was the last of Adelaide Comic Centre’s old location and they have finally said goodbye to its past history with that venue. It’s probably the biggest space they have been around for quite a while and surely some regular customer will miss it.

In case you missed the last day where the store originally is located check out some of the photos taken from the old place and where they are moving. So far they haven’t settled yet at Adelaide Arcade, though slowly but surely they’ll be sure to be back in business when everything has finally got their things in order as seen below:

After many years Adelaide Comics Centre downgraded to a smaller venue inside Adelaide Arcade and you’ll not miss it. If you have not seen the new venue, check out the shop at its new location.

For more about the shop LIKE Adelaide Comics Centre on Facebook and Follow on Instagram and Tumblr at:

Visit the site at:

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