Sunday, January 22, 2017

Get Your Nerd On with Greenlight Comics!

01.22.2017 – Comics is now a universal interest anywhere in the world. It is also the source of material to various media in animation, videogames and most of all the movies that some who are unaware of.

Adelaide in South Australia there has three comic shops located downtown each one of them has their unique identity. Take for instance Greenlight Comics the youngest among the shops that takes comics to heart that’s worth making the visit…

Greenlight Comics founded by four men who open their shop during Free Comic Book Day. Each one of them has a passion for the geek culture that built the foundation what their store stands for. The store is fairly new but they have made a difference in the local comic book scene in South Australia.

So what’s inside Greenlight Comics? Being the ‘New Kids on the Block’ they kept their relevance through hosting mini-events organized by local groups of the pop culture community. From videogame tournaments to workshops it seems there’s always something to look forward to at their store whenever you’re in the area.

Home of the Nerdiest

You can be into videogames, card games, boardgames or anything in particular that has ‘games’ on them. Maybe you’re interested in workshops or just want to meet a few who share a similar interest. This place might be your home away from home with a replica Han Solo in carbonite who would not want to live in this place?

Certainly there’s enough room for the geek in you that they have, which is the best place to hangout and feel like you live in a galaxy from far away. But then again that carbonite won’t free Han but you’ll definitely have a photo for posterity just like how Jabba da Hutt feels about it.

Supporting the Grassroots

Besides the mini-events that draw support from the nerdy type individuals the core of their store is the comicbooks. Greenlight basically supports diversity in the comics medium aside from the mainstream Big Two they have given the independent publishers and the local South Australian publishers a place for their work to be featured in their particular area.

It’s rare that you see local comics written and illustrated by South Australian based artists, but this is something that made Greenlight adds their personal touch to their identity as a store that really gives options to their readers.

Random Staff Picks & Other Promos

You can also find bargain books and other titles this depends on the staff’s choosing, but you’ll certainly get your money’s worth on something for sure. But yesterday since America inaugurated their 45th president they had a ‘Presidential Survival Sale’ aside from the usual bin of 25 % off on selected graphic novels.

Interesting enough Dan McGinnis one of the founders of the shop has his usual ‘Staff’s Pick’ that he can suggest for the new readers who walks in to their door and you can find more of his suggestions on the flat screen monitor or ask Dan himself. He’ll give you some suggestions and this is not limited to older readers there are also books for kids too.

There are more updates from Greenlight Comics you’re a bit busy to pass by the store. They’re also online where you can get social with them just LIKE their Facebook or follow them on Instagram!

Most definitely get more details on their website at:

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