Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trese + Secret HQ | The Fan Gathering

12.14.2019 – Secret HQ hosted a Trese launching party for the “Trese Lite Postcard Book 1”, which would be considered the second biggest fan gathering since the Dia del Libro in 21 April 2019. This time around Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo are joined by Trese Deviations creators David Hontiveros and Marvin del Mundo.

This is the first time that both creators of the original series had a launch gathering since the Trese Night Gallery at The Crucible that also released the Book of Murders in 2013. For this launch it was also a first for Komiket’s Secret HQ to host a launch party at the same time a signing event for local creators since they opened last month.

Bujette, Kajo, and David have been at Secret HQ prior to the event proper having late lunch while Avenida Books, the publisher of Trese Lite Postcard Book 1 has set up its table inside the venue. Ms. Nida Ramirez, the publisher of the book was also present welcoming the fans at the area where Budjette and Kajo with the Deviation creators will be seated for the reading the newest book from Trese expanding the series with this postcard style bounded book.

The event was hosted by Hank Sparrow, the real life counterpart of Hank the Bartender of Diabolical where Alexandra Trese is the owner of the fictional bar appearing the series. The fans started to arrive pass 1 PM and it is true that Secret HQ was very challenging to find without any signage outside its building location. But details of the address can be found in the FB page.

Activities of the “Secret Trese Gathering” as noted with Hang Sparrow as host and moderator of the program details below:

• Hank Sparrow introduction
• Budjette Tan Read the first six postcards
• Q & A with Budjette, Kajo, David, and Marvin
• Special Raffle to 13 Winners for Trese Global Edition
• Signing copies of Trese series listed by batch

Trese Animated Series Update

It was one for the postcard book launch to bring active members of Trese community from Facebook ever present during the event. The Q & A was lively enough that Budjette and Kajo spoke about the future of the upcoming Netflix Animated Series streaming sometime in 2020. Budjette said without revealing any information that he has seen the concept art and script.

Budjette also added that the plan for voice actors to be cast is also based in the Philippines, but the series will be in English language to reach out to international audience. So far there’s no other information aside from the voice actors will be from the same country and everything will be revealed when it is finally ready.

Deviation is a Side Story

David Hontiveros was asked by Budjette to explain if Trese Deviation is canon to the original series, which is considered an “alternate story” or if you’re into Japanese Anime the term “Side Story” to being an expanded universe to Trese featuring Fr. Mathias as the lead character meeting with David and Marvin’s character Dakila.

Marvin also explains his art style an inspiration of Joe Maduera who became popular with the original Deadpool mini-series from Marvel. The Trese Deviations became sold-out at the recent Komikon Grande, hence the ones sold at Secret HQ during the launch of Trese Lite Postcard Book 1 are Second Prints.

Cameo Appearances

During the tailed of the program activity Whilce Portacio made a visit as well as Carlo San Juan (creator of the Comic Strip “Callous Comics”) showing support to the creators of Trese. Photographer Jay Tablante was also present with Karen Kunawicz. It was a jam packed gathering with fans bonding and just hanging out until they were called to have their copies signed.

While also waiting some members of the community did a RPG demo that Hank participated. Hank would be considered the ambassador of Trese fans as he has been there since day one and the tall lanky host of the event was there throughout the end of the gathering with Karen. Komiket’s Secret HQ’s Paolo Herras was present and toured Whilce to the shop full of originally published titles from the Philippines.

Photo by Paolo Herras, Komiket Secret HQ.

Overall another successful gathering from the Trese Fan Community to wrap-up the yearender and there will be more soon. To be part of the community just join in via Facebook for the Trese Fan Group.

“Trese Lite Postcard Book 1” published by Avenida Books is now available at Secret HQ for PHP 600.00 Pesos. For more details and upcoming events at Secret HQ follow via Social Media on Facebook!

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