Monday, January 24, 2022

Secret Fresh + Jade Suayan | Warped Heads

The local art exhibitions are slowly opening and bringing back visitors to their art galleries. Secret Fresh is back and is opening a line-up that includes the return of Jade Suayan with her second solo art show titled “Warped Heads,” which features some of the head characters she has put together that are either distorted or… ‘Warped.’

Jade’s second go around having her sophomore exhibition is not as extravagant or taking up space of one of the gallery sections. Still, it is poignant to relate how post-pandemic must be for artists to take inspiration and how the world appears to be warped in all the things happening in the last two years.

But the art pieces and the latest installation that she has introduced with a bust of one of her characters taking up center stage with her signature neon colours of primary red, green, and purple have become her calling card in creating small art pieces for the bigger one mounted on the wall is one her latest works that people have appreciated.

The main attraction of this ensemble piece is the “Warped Heads” all nine of her latest art pieces lined up on one wall where you can see different warped heads of her latest creation. The last piece is not a painting, but a “warped m mirror” When you look at your reflection you will find yourself warped too.

For those who missed out on the artist reception in all the featured artists and group shows at Secret Fresh, here is the section of the gallery featuring Jade Suayan

Warped Heads” is the second solo art show featuring Jade Suayan, which is now on exhibit beginning 23 January to 4 February 2022 at the Secret Fresh Gallery, where you can find other works and more details can be found via their social media on Facebook and Instagram!

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