Marvel has announced on their official website that Tony Stark will return to don his high-tech wonder suit in "I
ron Man 3" on May 3, 2013! The next sequel for ol' shellhead has been given a date, and it will take place right after "
The Avengers" film hits on May 4, 2012 of the previous year. It's also been announced that Walt Disney Studios, Paramount Pictures, and Marvel Studios have reached an agreement, where Disney will be in charge of the worldwide marketing and distribution rights to "The Avengers" and "Iron Man 3" on those years, while Paramount will still be in charge of worldwide distribution of "
Thor" and "
Captain America: The First Avenger" next year, as well as retaining the already released "
Iron Man" and "
Iron Man 2" movies.
For more info, visit.!
*Originally posted by Timzster and seen in The Crusader's Realm
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