Sub Culture

Transformers Philippines Philippine Bricksters Toy Photography


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tunnel Visions: Ayala Underpass Mural Art Makeover!

05.21.2014 – It was raining on a Wednesday night past 10 PM you pass by the oldest underpass in Makati’s Central Business District. You thought it was a museum or an art gallery, but it’s actually just an underpass that had its most recent makeover.

The talented individuals of graphic artists who where tasked to paint the ceilings and walls of the city’s underpass is at it again. If you missed the one connecting intersection of Ayala and Makati Avenue this one can’t be missed. The ceiling is so wide its enough to really catch your attention all that vibrant colors put together.

For those looking for a fresh perspective the collaboration between these fantastic artists is like a supernova about to explode. Though you might not be familiar with the names of Rai Cruz, Kookoo Ramos, Geloy Maligaya Concepcion, Quatro Los Baños, Nemo Aguila, Cyrus Randall Navasca, Chut Pasia, Aljoe Noda Clarino, Claire Del Mundo, Vladen de la Peña and those forgot to be mentioned thank them for the sleepless nights.

They’ve been painting the past weeks prior to the World Economic Forum, which the Philippines is the host for this year. They really put some sweat and tears showing dedication to their craft once more and these images certainly will make you stare…

Not that it will give you a stiff neck they really showed that art can not only be found in local comic books. It transcends in so many medium and this is unexplored by the mainstream crowd.

You might be working in this city, and the best way to distress is just appreciating art. All you need is open your mind and think of this place as a wonderland filled with new creativity. Surely you might start doodling something when you get back to your cubicle.

These fine men and women are still not yet done as they are off to paint another tunnel soon, and if you happen to catch them in the morning thank them for their passion.

Geek Culture is not just comic books, movies, toys, or animation it also features this kind of art. It may not yet appeal the mainstream crowd but it slowly getting the attention for being something “fresh” and “new” that has been around long enough to give you something to stare on your way home.

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