This event will have PopCon Forum, Artist's Alley, and Toy & Cosplay Photography, Cosplay Parade, Exhibitor's Booths, and Collector's items. It is going to be a busy weekend for EB C Pop Con 2019 happening at the EBC Building Central Avenue in Quezon City.

What’s interesting about the event is the line-up for guests that they have revealed recently. These personalities not only will be gracing the event, but will be having their own panels as part of the segment for “PopCon Forum.”
The recent guests announced were:

Ian Velasquez is an author following his grand father’s footsteps in continueing the stories of the original DI-13 Komiks with The New DI-13. He is also the curator for Kenkoy Komiks, get to learn about the history of Kenkoy the 1st comic character that was created by his grand uncle Tony Velasquez.
At the same time Ian is also celebrating the 90th Anniversary of Kenkoy’s first appearance and as part of the yearlong celebration some of the important pages of the character’s appearance will be part of the exhibit for EBC PopCon 2019.

Jay Tablante is a well-known photographer establishing himself building up his portfolios that were published in the Philippines. He is also known for his popular Cosplay Photography featuring celebrities dressing up as popular superhero characters. Get to meet and learn from Jay with his own panel at the “PopCon Forum” that you can also submit your profile and who knows you might be his next model for his upcoming Cosplay Photography projects.
EBC PopCon 2019 happening from 8-9 November 2019 at the EBC Building Central Avenue in Quezon City. There’s a few weeks more before EBC PopCon 2019, but be sure to keep updated for this upcoming event by following Eagle Broadcasting Corporation via their Social Media on Facebook!
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