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Transformers Philippines Philippine Bricksters Toy Photography


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

MAD | Humor in a Jugular Vein

MAD Magazine was not what it was when it was first introduced in 1952. It was originally published by EC publication known for The Haunt of Fear, Weird Science, Crime Suspense Stories, and many more that were not related to superheroe themes that DC Comics produced since the introduction of Superman in Action Comics.

But towards its lengthy life, its publication was shut down and most of the published material survived through its acquisition by other publications. MAD was an “experiment” when the first issue was published. The early days of satirical humous content were not its DNA when it became available on newsstands.

EC publication is known for horror, suspense, and science fiction with the MAD comics introduction they experimented with humour in some serious themes. Sometimes, they’re outdated today and would be considered “corny,” but those tropes would entertain readers from that era. MAD would survive and would evolve to become known for its satirical content. But during its heyday, it was simply known as an anthology that had short stories that would be part of its growth.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Galerie Stephanie | The Soup Can Factory

One artist comes to mind for those exposed to Pop Art and immediately see the Campbell Soup. That artist is Andy Warhol, and for many years since his passing many have followed his footsteps and been inspired a generation of artists that included his art style to their works through their perspective.

Farley Del Rosario, a Manila-based artist, has established himself going into his second solo exhibition with his first early this year at Galerie Joaquin. This time, Farley shares his perspective that inspired him from his childhood with his exposure to popular culture is creating his own niche in an ever-growing artists community.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Vinyl on Vinyl | Make A Wish

When you “Make A Wish” sometimes it happens, and often it is part of the element when you put the effort to make it materialize. Also, an opportunity will arise to make that become a reality and you get to put your best foot forward as Mimaaaaaaaaw is making it happen in her first-ever Solo Exhibit from her journey as a street artist to her continued evolution as a visual artist.

Mimaaaaaaaaw is an up-and-coming artist based in Cavite City who started as a street artist painting murals with an affinity to cats as part of her ensemble an element that you will see in her works defines her journey as an artist.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Vinyl on Vinyl | A Comedy in Four Acts

When you reach the point of possible lost direction, sometimes you have to try to find yourself again and go back to the beginning. TRNZ returns and goes back to the beginning with another solo exhibit, which goes back to almost 6 years ago with the same gallery, and this time the art style stays the same, but more in the tone of focused fine art to its basic core of storytelling.

“A Comedy of Four Acts” takes you to TRNZ's latest masterpieces depicted in humorous situations, and yet the facial expression is cold and sad with no “feels” being shown to each character.

Monday, May 20, 2024

G.I. Joe ARAH | The Game is Set

It’s been almost a full two months since the latest issue of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero was released. The most recent story was back in March with issue No. 305, where things are slowly setting the players back to the chess board since this title had moved from IDW to Image Comics last year keeping Larry Hama as the important cog in keeping the same title that revived that was originally published by Marvel.

Without missing a beat, Larry Hama crafts another masterful narrative that has been brewing for those who have jumped on this series since issue No. 301 as a sort of ‘soft reboot’ for those who have not picked up this series lured them back. It’s no rocket science that the heart of the G.I. Joe fiction and world-building started with Mr, Hama who also continued his connection to the brand by writing those File Cards for the action figures from the day Hasbro produced those now-vintage toy lines.

This issue certainly keeps the pace of the story at the same time breaks down what’s been happening with the players involved. It is certainly worth noting that Cobra, the organization has become its enemy with different factions fighting amongst themselves.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Arte Bettina | ANTI

For every Hero there’s a Villain that stands it’s way. But an “Anti-Hero” is different and not considered a “hero” though still has qualities the character stood for as a good story to tell when crafting a narrative. The same goes for putting together an art or gallery with elements of your personality and choices that others might not agree about it.

“ANTI” is the latest solo exhibit featuring Kobusher. This local artist brings his perspective and narrative through his art style featuring his favorite “Anti-Heroes” in the way people would see them in a different light and also a unique perspective that redefines what makes these hard-edge characters stand out.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

PBF 2024 | Komiks & Poetry Slams

If you haven’t been looking for books or an event that promotes all the locally published books then you might want to check out the Philippine Book Festival, which has been open since Thursday. Saturday was no exception with local artists and publishers being busy with their various activities since day one and this is Day 3.

Most activities are at the main stage where various programs are happening. There are also mini-activities happening at some of the exhibitors for this event. There are also foreigners visiting this event and checking out what the Philippine publication has to offer regarding children’s books to popular graphic novels that you may find at this event, where you can find them in good deals.