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Friday, June 7, 2024

Galerie Stephanie | The Soup Can Factory

One artist comes to mind for those exposed to Pop Art and immediately see the Campbell Soup. That artist is Andy Warhol, and for many years since his passing many have followed his footsteps and been inspired a generation of artists that included his art style to their works through their perspective.

Farley Del Rosario, a Manila-based artist, has established himself going into his second solo exhibition with his first early this year at Galerie Joaquin. This time, Farley shares his perspective that inspired him from his childhood with his exposure to popular culture is creating his own niche in an ever-growing artists community.

Just outside the glass window of Galerie Stephanie, there you’ll see four creations that welcome you to explore and also feature other contemporary artists who have their solo exhibitions that were launched on the same day. But Farley’s works can easily stand out due to his latest creations drawing inspiration from the world he has grown up in since his childhood.

But the most notable of them all is Andy Warhol, and the title of his solo exhibition “The Soup Can Factory” takes that inspiration from. More artworks can be seen with some familiar take on comic book characters as well as from the movies he has seen as a child. The chosen colour palette matches the consistency of his previous work which invites you to explore the space given to him by the gallery.

This Soup’s on You

At the center of the exhibit is a table with neatly piled shirts and underneath is the centerpiece of his exhibit. The can of soup from the factory where it came from. The label and graphic design are all Farley’s concepts and ideas that look authentic down to the way the pile of canned soup sitting on a metal bowl.

The shirts, of course, a branding is believable in the way it was presented. A tempting look at the shirt shows it makes you feel the product is real. It is a souvenir worth holding on to as a piece of art that defines Farley Del Rosario as an artist who continues to grow and innovate new ideas while telling his stories through his artwork, which makes this one of the best solo exhibitions for this year.

Farley Wide in Storytelling

The art pieces alone are remarkable, with the colours and the characters easily noticed by walk-ins who they are and how they are playing at Farley’s sandbox surely gives you an idea that all the artworks are tied together.

The part that’s quite Filipino in most of his works is the painting of the Beetles, but they’re not the famous Fab Four, they are the Philippines’ famous band, the Eraserheads. The artwork featured on the Esquire cover from almost a decade ago included a companion audio CD featuring two brand new singles was a callback from that copy of the magazine published in September 2014.

It is by far someone who knows the band and the cover features a local band crossing Abbey Road, which is also a direct reference to the Beatles’ album from September 1969 that’s an obvious way of being inspired by one another.

“The Soup Factory” is a Solo Art Show featuring Farley Del Rosario, which is already on exhibit beginning 7 until 30 June 2024 at the Galerie Stephanie.

For more upcoming exhibits and announcements, you may follow Galerie Stephanie on social media via Facebook and Instagram!

Visit the blog at: GalerieStephanie.Shop

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