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Monday, May 20, 2024

G.I. Joe ARAH | The Game is Set

It’s been almost a full two months since the latest issue of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero was released. The most recent story was back in March with issue No. 305, where things are slowly setting the players back to the chess board since this title had moved from IDW to Image Comics last year keeping Larry Hama as the important cog in keeping the same title that revived that was originally published by Marvel.

Without missing a beat, Larry Hama crafts another masterful narrative that has been brewing for those who have jumped on this series since issue No. 301 as a sort of ‘soft reboot’ for those who have not picked up this series lured them back. It’s no rocket science that the heart of the G.I. Joe fiction and world-building started with Mr, Hama who also continued his connection to the brand by writing those File Cards for the action figures from the day Hasbro produced those now-vintage toy lines.

This issue certainly keeps the pace of the story at the same time breaks down what’s been happening with the players involved. It is certainly worth noting that Cobra, the organization has become its enemy with different factions fighting amongst themselves.

Published: 15 May 2024
Age Rating: Teen
Language: English

With the infighting that has been brewing back to the Marvel-published days with Cobra Commander on this side while on the other is the newly resurrected Serpentor Khan through Dr. Mindbender’s cloning that also brought back the original Snake-Eyes with side story continues how he’s dealing with being back from the dead. At the same time, old and new characters continue to play in this sandbox has been such a good read how seamlessly the stories come together.

The pages open to a Zartan on his swap skiff being chased down by a heat-seeking missile that was sent out by Serpentor Khan and Dr. Mindbender to eliminate him. This was continued from the previous issue that the two sent a replica version of Zartan to Destro and the Baroness to strike up a partnership unknown by the two zombified Khan and Mindbender whom Destro already suspects is not the real Zartan he is speaking to, but a Revanche android.

Meanwhile, back in Springfield where things take a turn for the worse for Morenos trying to flee the small town as Cobra suspects that their daughter was one of the suspected operatives to take down the cyborg-enhanced Cobra spied from Cobra Island (also told in the previous issue) when the checkpoint went terrible.

There's so much panic right now in the small town of Springfield since Cobra Commander declared war on Serpentor Khan and Dr. Mindbender. This sets up things for the next storyline as the town itself is already on high alert from that threat. It’s no good news for Dawn Moreno, a G.I. Joe operative for her parent’s demise.

The Joes, of course, are just waiting on the sidelines checking on all parties and their role in this “Cobra Civil War” that’s been brewing since. The scenes from the pages get you to understand who the players are in this as Hama gives you each situation for these characters and at the same time gets you invested in the storylines. The artwork at the same time is still superb courtesy of guest artist Paul Pelletier taking temporary reigns from Chris Mooneyham. The cover art from Andy Kubert is certainly a Chef’s Kiss to behold since the restart of this series despite the Snake-Eyes cover having no connection to what’s been happening to this issue,

Speaking of storylines, Snake-Eyes and Scarlett go back to training at the same time showing the next chapter in their lives. It’s interesting and quite “new” that Snake-Eyes can now speak. But not as the usual character most fans have known this character from. But not as “chatty” as you’d expect. He still has one-liners like “uh uh” or “yup” with those short replies at the same time a badass character on top of his game and a favorite among longtime readers of the series. 6

This is still a “G.I. Joe” title focused on the team, and to keep tabs on all the Cobra happenings, they sent four operatives featuring Muskra, Wetsuit, Agent Helix, and Multoto Cobra Island to get close in checking out what’s been happening since Serpentor Khan unleashed the bomb that turned them into zombies since issue no. 301 that changed the way you look at the inhabitants of Cobra Island.

There are a lot of moving parts now setting up for the next chapter that the real Zartan has figured out what was happening, and as Buzzer suggests teaming up with Destro seems likely leaving readers a cliffhanger that will look forward to the next issue that is now set up the major action longtime readers are looking forward to. \

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #306 is written by Larry Hamma with art by Paul Pelletier and is now available at your local comic shops for $3.99 US | ₱ 260.00 Pesos (** $ 6.71 AUD | $ 4.44 USD). Special Acknowledgements to Comic Odyssey for consistently saving this title to the pull list. For more about Comic Odyssey follow them via social media on Facebook and Instagram!


NEXT: G.I.Joe: ARAR Issue 307!

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