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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Vinyl on Vinyl | A Comedy in Four Acts

When you reach the point of possible lost direction, sometimes you have to try to find yourself again and go back to the beginning. TRNZ returns and goes back to the beginning with another solo exhibit, which goes back to almost 6 years ago with the same gallery, and this time the art style stays the same, but more in the tone of focused fine art to its basic core of storytelling.

“A Comedy of Four Acts” takes you to TRNZ's latest masterpieces depicted in humorous situations, and yet the facial expression is cold and sad with no “feels” being shown to each character.

It’s a deep thought into the personality of the artist himself on how he goes through life in humorous chapters. There’s no laughing matter when you stare into these characters with no expression depicted in situations that some find funny and yet the emotion of coldness shows how things are not what they seem. The artworks delve into the world that is the opposite of TRNZ’s previous solo art show back in 2019.

It’s something of stripping down the basics through his works with all vibe colours toned down to meet with the presented narrative in each painting. This also includes the art sketches on the table that show some of the concepts that were made to the paintings and those that did not are also on exhibit in this show.

Still, TRNZ continues to find his way in creating thoughtful but relevant stories through his work by not always sticking to the same concept, and sometimes all you need is a basic image of subjective narratives free from the part that his works previously evolved into that is now a different phase of his creative mindset.

“A Comedy of Four Acts | TRNZ” is a solo art show with Terence Eduarte, which opened on 1 until 29 June 2024. For more details about the art being exhibited visit Vinyl on Vinyl art gallery at 2241 Pasillo 18 La Fuerza Compound Chino Roces Ave, Makati City.

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