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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Movie Review: Robocop!

02.11.2014 – The new Robocop the remake from the classic 1987 film by Paul Verhoeven takes a different take. Its now modernized and reintroduced to a new generation who are unfamiliar with the original that became a franchise hit.

There were skeptics that the new film won’t live up to its own potential directed by José Padilha and starring a new actor in Joel Kinnaman as Alex Murphy. There was even a viral promotion tie-up to the premise of the new film that’s something to anticipate.

The original grew into a franchise that produced two more films, a TV series and an animated series. Not to mention comic books published by Marvel and then later with Dark Horse. Robocop had a cult following and Peter Weller became known portraying Alex Murphy in the first two films.

But what makes the new film interesting is the fresh concept that makes it stand out from its original predecessor. There were a lot of comparisons about the classic and the new film that should not be the way to look at this remake.


For once the new film had a strong supporting cast built around Joel Kinnaman and that’s make this film far superior. You Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson and Gary Oldman as your major actors similar to Christian Bale having cast to Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins. Besides having the new Robocop treated as a new film with well known actors you got a unique back story for Alex Murphy.


In this new reboot Alex Murphy is a detective and he’s not just a police officer who solves crimes. He is a family man and in that tells the back story about his wife Clara Murphy (Abbie Cornish) and son David Muphy (John Pall Ruttan) that was never told in the original rather back flashes.

Besides that Alex Murphy is not really that ‘dead’ as seen in the trailers but rather had gone into operation to save his life. But with that comes a price to be part machine, but inside that walking gears and wires is a man driven to live.


What you’re going to see differently about the new Robocop is Detroit. The future looks bright and technologically advanced which makes it the same place where crime existed, but what’s missing is the gritty and dirty environment the future of Detroit that was portrayed in the classic film.

There was something ‘clean’ about the world of the new Robocop, that makes it different and missing “a part of” Detroit that makes it uniquely natural for the law & enforcement of that particular city to bring in robots to clean crime.

Overall Robocop deserves its own new viewers because this is not your old cyborg that moves slow. He’s fast and carries more firepower to put crime rate down. The only flaw is you won’t ‘feel’ how gritty and dirty Detroit was compared to back in the “future” of 1987. But definitely is a great film to watch as Robocop never looks old this one comes shiny and in black ‘tactical’ color, but for those long time fans he was always metallic silver and ready to run you down with his squad car.

Rated 8 out 10 definitely worth watching without the need o remind you that it was based from the 1987 film with a better perspective, that this is a ‘new’ Robocop now playing in Philippine cinemas nationwide from Columbia Picture Studios.

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