Rather than just leave it at that, I thought I'd take the time to actually show the figure so that it could never be said that I wasn't fair.

This is the Wonder Woman from when DC's Holy Trinity (Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman) were out to kill each other for political differences. Batman had just created the OMACs, Wonder Woman had reverted to being a stone cold killer and Superman was still being an idealistic boy-scout.
This Wonder Woman has one of the best facial sculpts that I've seen for a Wonder Woman. We've talked about the face for example of the Wonder Woman from the DC Direct Wonder Woman Toy Series 1 which looked more like Olivia Wilde than a woman from the Mediterranean, this particular action figure has a more Greek goddess face that's truer to women from that melting pot between Asia, Europe and Africa.
Even if her face tends to be quite dour. There's also a nod to the Queen of Fables story-line of the Justice League of America (JLA # 47) as penciled by Bernard Chang (?) that compared Wonder Woman to Snow white with skin white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony.

Let's start with her sculpt. I honestly do not believe that Sam Greenwell did any justice to the work of Phil Jimenez. Wonder Woman's body does not have the muscle tone that Jimenez is known for. If anything she looks.... chubby. This is disappointing considering that John G. Matthews was able to copy the muscular sexiness of Power Girl from the same series.
Also, Have you noticed the SD card that's standing between her legs? That's the only way I could prop her to stand. She does have a peg-hole and the figure did come with an Infinite Crisis branded stand, but because she's so top heavy and one leg is longer than the other, no matter how you peg and pose her (that looks good), she will tip over. This particular Wonder Woman tipped over so many times that the peg broke and it is still embedded in her foot. People have suggested that the cape can serve as a support, and it does. But it still tips over.
Next up is the design. Here's the original artwork that led to the development of the Infinite Crisis Wonder Woman next to the Sam Greenwell version:
Let's note how Phil Jimenez is not shy about giving his heroines overfllowing breasts. Sam Greenwell took that away. Next up is the sword. Why is Wonder Woman armed with a short rapier? I kinda got the impression she was using a broadsword in the comic-book.
Then there's the cape. We're not talking about the discrepancy between the color of the capes because Jimenez eventually went with the blue-white and red-trimmed cape versus the red and gold. If you were to look at the cape closely, you'd notice that it's hand-painted and hand-painted poorly.
She actually stands better with one leg behind her as it shifts the weight to the back:
And of course this is DC Direct so it hardly moves:
Can you please tell me the height of this particular figure? in Centimeter? thank you :-)