The film stars Joem Bascon, Jun Sabayton, Dimples Romana, and Jhiz Deocareza. The production team is the same people behind the independent film “Hello World” has released another teaser trailer that reveals the cast and what to expect that everyone is talking about that has become a “word of mouth” in the social media.
Set in the 1990s Blue Bustamante centers on George (Joem Bascon) who is a father of a 6-year old son (Jhiz Deocareza) and loving wife (Dimplse Romana) who works overseas in Japan to provide the best life for his family. Though upon arriving in the foreign land he immediately encounters a setback losing his job but did not give in to defeat he befriends Roger Grace (Jun Sabayton) referred him to another job as a stuntman double for Blue Force, a character in an upcoming Japanese 5-man spandex superhero show similar to that of Bioman and Power Rangers.
While he works secretly at his job George pretends to his family that he still works at the same company that fired him. But must eventually decide, if he should continually play the role of Blue Force and come to terms with his priorities as a father and husband.

It’s an interesting premise for an original film to play out set in the backdrop that has something to do with Super Sentai shows and Blue Bustamante has something going on there that makes this an interesting one to watch.
This is also a project looking for interested producers who would fund and support the independent film which was posted at Artist Connect. Check out the latest teaser trailer featuring Ted Ito well-known Japanese singer who they used his song as background music for this preview…
Blue Bustamante is a Cinema One Original produced by Super Combo Punch Kick productions.
For more behind the scenes and upcoming news about the film LIKE Blue Bustamante on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @BlueBustamante
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