09.23.2019 – Batman and DC Comics ruled the weekend with the League Con 2019 that happened from 20-22 September 2019 and within that Saturday Batman Day was celebrated by participating Bookstore and Comic Shops in Manila. Not to be outdone with a jam packed events happening all over the place.
Then there were also the Batman 80 Years with collaboration between SM Super Malls, Pacific Licencing, and, various local community groups that put together a menagerie of anything and everything that is Batman. If that wasn’t enough to tease you with this very busy weekend then you’re in a treat! |
This separate event that culminate with the “Batman 80 Years” Celebration stands on its own with a special exhibit featuring the past, present, and current iteration of Batman and its rich mythology. If you’re a fan of the classic 1960s Batman that featured Adam West in the role or growing up in the 1990s with Batman: The Animated Series this exhibit is certainly a nostalgic trip to everyone.
Everything and anything you’ve known about Batman and its comicbook origins through the Classic TV Series up to the recent iteration of the cape crusader in DC Extended Universe portrayed by Ben Affleck or to the soon-to-be announced much anticipated solo film “The Batman” that introduces Robert Pattinson as the new actor to slip in the batsuit is something to celebrate about.
Filipinos are passionate about the Dark Knight Detective and this special exhibit is something to look forward to with the celebration of Batman 80th Year as the character’s appearance on Detective Comics Issue No. 27 cover dated May 1939 is surely a milestone when Issue No. 1000 was published early this year March 2019 (Now Available at your local Comic Shops Worldwide) that started these pocket events that happened alongside the recently concluded League Con 2019 and the Batman Day that happened this recent Saturday.

Batman 80 Years Mall Tour Exhibit
This exhibit not only features the past, present, and current iteration of Batman, but also gives you a look at the merchandise from community groups that represent their respective fandoms that are passionate Bat Fans. There’s a special hall of past to present Batman with a life-size Cape Crusader standing behind the giant Bat Symbol that the hero represent that everyone can have a photo opportunity with friends, family, and fans of The Bat. It is also where you’ll find the information, anecdotes, and trivia about Batman from his origins in the Comicbooks to the big screen. There’s several images lifted from various medium that featured Batman and his friends and foes too.

Bat Fandom Hall of Collections
In this area you’ll find various collectibles from Bat Fans from action figures to diecast iterations of the Batmobile and other vehicles you’ll see it as owned by members of the local Bat Fandom Community. You’ll also see high-end figurines on display that is from Hot Toys.
It is a remarkable mini-museum of DC Comics character from Batman’s appearance in the 1970s Saturday Morning Shows the Super Friends to the recent animated and comicbook appearance of Batman in action figure form is eye catching.
There’s enough Batman to go around in this part of the exhibit housed in acrylic displays is certainly an impressive collection of each participating individual who is a Batman Fan in this country. Even collectible comicbooks that represent Batman is also seen in this part of the area.
Another area that features Batman and its mythology is the two displays near the merchandise area by PinoyLUG (Pinoy LEGO Users Group) that contributes to the current DC Comics Super Heroes range of LEGO sets from the previous years and the current ones now available in Philippine retail.

Batman Merchandise and More
You won’t be caught empty handed leaving this exhibit for some Batman-related Merchandise from shirts to metal dog tags this exhibit has everything for the casual fan to the passionate ones that wears them all.
They have the Batman licensed shirts and plush toys as well as action figures from Mattel are certainly something for you to see in the merchandise section. Casual fans also get to have the photo opportunity to have their Instagramable moments with cut outs of Batman’s Rogue Gallery like Harley Quinn or The Joker (which will have a movie this 4 October 2019 starring Joaquin Phoenix, shameless plugging).
Wrapping up with the chance to see this exhibit is gonna be a delightful experience for everyone in getting the Batman 80 Years’ experience, which will be at the SM City Fairview from 21 September to 5 October 2019. If you’re not being able to make it for the current exhibit this is an SM Mall Tour with the schedule below:

SM Supermalls
Pacific Licensing Studio
Ban Kee Bricks
Pinoy LUG
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