MoCAF (Modern and Contemporary Art Festival) is an annual event, and this is their third year bringing some of the best talents and art houses in the industry under one roof that has been ever-present these past few days since opening its doors for the last three days that has gained record numbers of attendees, where most of the visitors are young and aspiring future artists.
There have been familiar faces and newer ones breaking into the art scene as well as new art galleries that recently opened early this year making their splash to contribute to the ever-growing grassroots give you an overload of visual talent, where the masses rare thread. |
This must be one of the finest hours for those who have their first-time exhibition and for those who participated from all over the world on their first trip to the country to discover local talent for their future shows is impressive in so many ways that it’s great to see that some locally are getting their chances to be exposed internationally.
It’s something you don’t see every day that you immerse yourself in finding some of the best creatives out there that stand out and at the same time find inspiration that can be applied to your everyday life if you don’t think not having the talent you see in these types of venues it is something worth looking that’s an escape to discover the galleries that bring these individuals to their public venues.
Blessed by the Flowers
One of the standouts from this event is Marilou Solano, which is probably her first-ever solo show at MoCAF that not only features her brightly colourful paintings but also her Art Toys that adorn this tiny little space that is something to look forward to in her future projects in one of the local galleries that will host it.
The larger installation will immediately catch your attention and explore further with the paintings she has put together along with the tiny art toys presenting her character in her wonderful journey in this exhibit.
There’s an exhibit just across this from Marilou Solan’s works, but it is not named nor it has the credit that it’s like from another world or realm that speaks a lot, and yet there are no details on who was the artist behind it. But the presentation deserves a bit of spotlight just to give you an idea of what you might have missed in this event.
YOD Tokyo & Editions
This gallery is based in Japan and there some local artists have been tapped to have their shows in the future. But most of the ones featured in their area are based in Japan and it’s a treat to see some of the visual artists from the Rising Sun. The way they get their inspiration is from Anime and other popular culture including Star Wars is quite interesting how they interpret them through their works.
Arte Bettina: Symphony of Change
In case you’ve heard about the art gallery known as Arte Bettina then you must have passed by without noticing the gallery located at the third level of Greenbelt Mall. For their showcase, they have some of the local talents including Klaris and other works that make up their exhibit at this year’s MoCAF. But the headline for most of the artworks and art toys is from Klaris with the signature character that has her hair covering her face inspired by the horror film The Ring.
Other notable artists include Javier Burgos, Renato Balure, Allain Hablo, Bryan Teves, Tom Bucag, and Two Front Teeth to round up the roaster of works that you will find at this part of their exhibit.
Very Good Gallery
This gallery just opened early this year and it is already getting rave reviews from the local art scene. This is also their first time to have an exhibit at MoCAF, which shows the crowd is ever present in this location at most there was no floor space to even stay there and that’s very good for a new kid on the block.
It’s an art gallery managed by two local artists for the artists in the art scene, and they have this exhibit. But also, have another exhibit at another part of this venue at the tent area where some of the best talents they have invited to put a stamp on their work in this mini-exhibit.
Galerie Stephanie + Jomike Tejido
The Subtle Perspective at the Galerie Stephanie won’t even notice that there’s a corner wall that has Jomike Tejido’s works featured in it. You just have to keep your eye peeled and you will find it. The author of a children's book and former comic strip writer turned visual artists have a new set of works that you’ll find in this exhibit.
State of the Second Self
This little exhibit featuring Mr. S, Kim Borja, and Farley del Rosario gives you their characters and personalities from the images they have curated exclusively for this event and you will find them immediately with the grey squared wall patterns that featured each of their paintings.
Aside from their works, MoCaf Discoveries has their list of talents getting the spotlight It is certainly worth a thorough look at each of their works that you might find a standout that may be a rising talent in the art scene that some of them were quite an interesting sight to discover.
Rojo Galerie: Megs Empinado
Lastly, something that was unexpected to see that has been blowing up the local scene is a Voltes V gallery. Yes, you read it. A local artist who sculpted some of the best to save for this show is a Super Robot from the 1970s with Chōdenji Mashīn Borutesu Faibu, but this version is based on the live-action TV series that has recently wrapped its airing on local TV that inspired the classic anime for the anime fans who wants to appreciate art.
Five action poses of Voltes V featured in this exhibit standing more than a foot tall and it is based on the CGI animated appearance of the robot composed of five machines is quite an attention grabber. It is also Megs Empinado’s solo show that certainly a random walk-in who is not into contemporary art will immediately get quite a few snaps of this part of the exhibit just for the robots featured here.
While there are still galleries to explore and art to see you might be carried away from the busy place going in and around the venue at the Marquis Place would be a tremendous feat for your eyes. There are some more to see, but sometimes time is of the essence, and this is what makes MoCAF quite successful.
The featured locations are just the tip of the iceberg so to speak if you haven’t been to this event in person. You may have missed the opportunity for this year, but there’s plenty more to discover for next year.
MoCAF 2024 just happened and it was a three-day affair from 5 until 7 July 2024 held at the Marquis Place at the BGC in Taguig. For more about their future events, be sure to follow them on their social media via Facebook and Instagram!
Many thanks to Vinyl on Vinyl for the VIP access to this coverage and more about their upcoming shows you can follow them on social media via Facebook, Instagram, and follow on X/Twitter!
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