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Transformers Philippines Philippine Bricksters Toy Photography


Friday, June 13, 2014

Jurassic World: One Year Before Opening, Teaser Images!

06.13.2014 – Its been a while since the last Jurassic Park film was ever seen in the big screen and that was in 2001. The original film was shown sometime last year to celebrate its 20th anniversary which was converted into 3D with some extended scenes.

Now the fourth installment of the much awaited long overdue film that will take everyone back to the island of Isla Nublar is slowly in the process currently shooting somewhere in Hawaii. But for now Universal Pictures just revealed some teaser images…

Monday, June 9, 2014

Secret Fresh + SM Mall of Asia: Bototoy Art Gallery!

06.09.2014 – Bototoy gallery has been up on exhibit at the SM Mall of Asia’s main mall since the start of the month, but the launch event will be on June 11th at 3PM. Even though the gallery has been there for the past eight days it’s already getting quite an attention to the usual mall visiting crowd.

This is actually a first for Bototoy to be seen in the mainstream spotlight after having an official launch at Secret Fresh almost two years ago. The current exhibit is more combination of new and old sharing the various customs done by local graphic artist.”

Friday, June 6, 2014

Enough Said! Funko Pop Sharknado!

06.06.2014 – If you’re a fan of B-movies or just happens come across something while surfing the net. There’s a chance that you’ve seen or heard the movie Sharknado.

It’s actually two words Shark + Tornado a marriage that became a cult favorite.

Some would say it’s just some random made for television film, but overall it spawned some interest to those who are into the not-so mainstream kind of things.

For those who are in the dark about how popular Sharknado has become you might have heard it had merchandise.

The Book of Life International Trailer Released!

06.06.2014 – To follow your dream there’s a path to choose in the case of Manolo he has to endure, and travel worlds to find what he’s looking for.

The `Book of Life’ is an upcoming animated feature film that delves in that narrative.

There’s not much said about the animated feature film, but it certainly will get your attention with eye catching visuals revealed in the international trailer. The `Book of Life’ has an ensemble voice cast and more details here…

Thursday, June 5, 2014

FREE Detective Comics #27 on 'Batman Day!'

06.05.2014 – This news might be out already, but just in case you’ve missed an event that gives out free comics then you might be in luck on this one. Everyone is aware the year long celebration for Batman’s 75th anniversary with surprises and this might one of those.

DC Comics just announced a special one-day event to commemorate that anniversary and they are calling it Batman Day.

For those who are a big fan of the dark knight detective you’ll be probably first in line to get a free comic book they are giving away…

Hiccup's Mom in How To Train Your Dragon 2!

06.05.2014 – How To Train Your Dragon 2 returns to see all the characters have grown up.

But the story didn’t explore each of the character’s past until ‘Defenders of Berk’ supplied the background about their further adventures.

The animated TV series didn’t reveal much about Hiccup’s past or who was his mom. But that will all be revealed in the upcoming sequel to the 2010 blockbuster animated feature film, which also introduces his mom voiced by Cate Blanchett…

All-New Ghost Rider: Vengeful Spirit Revealed!

06.05.2014 – All-New Ghost Rider was a promising series something you can sink your teeth in, but after issue to things where starting to take it slow where Robbie still dealing with financial woes at the same time trying to get a grip with the strange transformation.

It’s not easy taking Ghost Rider and remaking this character like it was made for this era. Johnny Blaze will always be THE Ghost Rider, but this is the year 2014 and Robbie Reyes is that Spirit of Vengeance. You may have heard also about Danny Ketch, he was an interesting rider too until he disappeared then Marvel introduced a new one…

Noah Finally Headed to Philippine Cinemas!

06.05.2014 – After months of delay Noah will finally get a Philippine screen date. For those who have missed out this film, and was quite aware of the media reports about United International Pictures not getting a local release due to its issues with its former distributor sometime in early in February 2014.

There have been doubts if Transformers Age of Extinction won’t be distributed in time for its June 25th international release date, but now it seems this will followed after Noah…

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

KaBOOM! Presents: Bee & PuppyCat #1

06.04.2014 – Bee and PuppyCat is a web series being shown as part of the Cartoon Hangover channel on YouTube. It’s a story about Bee, an unemployed woman in her twenties, when suddenly she encounters a mysterious creature called PuppyCat.

She adopted this weird hybrid cat-dog, and together they go on an intergalactic babysitting gig to pay her monthly rent. This popular series spins out from the KickStarter-funded animated short into a monthly comic book series published by Boom!

Are you Ready for STGCC 2014?

06.04.2014 – What’s a great example for a pop culture convention? There are a lot of conventions out there and you figure out some of the best outside of Asia. But in this region there’s one event that has been the biggest since 2008.

The Singapore Toy, Game, and Comic Convention (STGCC) can be one of the best places to see where everything you wanted in an event is there..

Studio Kaiba's Kambal Now at Filbar's!

06.04.2014 – If you’ve heard of the ‘Kambal’ (Twins) then you must have read Trese, the supernatural series by Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo who are currently at work to release the sixth series of the book by the Tenth Komikon in November.

For now there’s new merchandise featuring the main characters of Trese. Previously Studio Kaiba who also released the Trese plush toy unveiled two more characters during Summer Komikon 2014 and the long awaited Kambal was released…

Star Wars VII adds Lupita Nyong'o & Gwendoline Christie!

06.04.2014 – Star Wars Episode VII is brewing with leaked photos from the set and previous contest announced by JJ Abrams related to Force for Change.

Now they have announced also that they added two new cast members to the Star Wars Family. Lupita Nyong'o and Gwendoline Christie were announced to join the cast currently shooting the principle photography in Pinewood Studios near London, England...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Secret Fresh: Bototoy x SM Mall of Asia Preview!

06.03.2014 – If you have missed Au Courant last month you might happen to see a couple of little wooden toys sitting around the area, where Secret Fresh had an exhibit at the event that includes art and sculptures.

Bototoy is the creation by Jagnus Design Studios well known for its architecture and unique concept designs.

They have been frequent exhibitors at the annual World BEX along with Secret Fresh and they are collaborating again with SM Mall of Asia to have a Bototoy exhibit happening next week…

Maleficent Dominates PH Cinemas P179.9-M in 5 Day!

06.03.2014 – Maleficent dominated not only in the story but also in the cinemas. Despite the mixed reactions from early movie goers the film is a solid hit in the Philippines.

The anticipation surrounding its live action adaptation with Angelina Jolie in the lead makes its more interesting.

Disney's “Maleficent” bewitched the Philippine box office well beyond expectations for a No.1 finish, taking in an enchanted P179.9-million in five days nationwide for the May 28 to June 1 weekend.

TEQ63: 8Ball DIY Prototype Preview!

06.03.2014 – After the launch of Hidden Fortress last April the creative team led by Quiccs, Tripp 63, Egg Fiasco and Bjorn Calleja continue to make great art in through street art projects and exclusive custom designer art toys.

Now Hidden Fortress expands the TEQ63 art toy with more variations, and future collaborations.

This time they are about to release a blank figure that would allow new artists create their own version of the TEQ63 with the TEQ63: 8Ball 8Ball prototype…

America Ferrera in How To Train Your Dragon 2!

06.03.2014 – If dragons where real it must be something to own as your “ride” and not to be mistaken as a pet, but for Astrid it’s like taming your ride at the same time having it as your companion must be cool in a whole lot of levels.

In How To Train Your Dragon 2 these fierce creatures is not just a “pet” but having Astrid see her grow from the original film to ‘Defenders of Berk’ and now with the sequel looks easy to tame a beast voiced by America Ferrera.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Vinyl on Vinyl Full View: Tracing Faces!

06.02.2014 – Last week Vinyl on Vinyl unveiled Anjo Bolarda’s second solo show, and at the same time they also have another exhibit located at the upper level of the art gallery.

It features three talented individuals in Mik Santos, Patcho Quinto and Nonie Cruzado dubbed “Tracing Faces.”

It features each of the three artists’ passion for the arts and at the same time their interest that has connection to popular culture growing up.

Watch Sneak Preview: How To Train Your Dragon 2!

06.02.2014 – It’s already a new month and that means new movies coming out will be bigger. There was not much animated feature films that’s big than How To Train Your Dragon 2, which has been one of the blockbuster flicks in 2010 making a return more dragons and larger ones beyond your imagination. There’s going to be a special sneek peak on the film and details can be found here…

Marvel Legends: Drax The Destroyer!

06.02.2014 – Guardians of the Galaxy is one of Marvel’s lesser known comic book series until it was developed into a motion picture film. The team is unfamiliar outside the comic book realm and there’s little bit of story behind each character.

Besides the monthly ongoing series from Marvel there’s nothing much about the team. Though the trailers are out already introducing Peter Quill aka Star Lord, Gamora, Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Drax the Destroyer which is portrayed by Dave Bautista…

Tom Cruise Trapped in the Edge of Tomorrow!

06.02.2014 – Edge of Tomorrow builds up as a science fiction adventure of time traveling magnitude. It tells the story of an impending alien invasion and a man trapped in a time loop portrayed by Tom Cruise.

Major William “Bill” Cage is the guy who things he’s not a soldier, but can be weapon if he wanted to be. Edge of Tomorrow is adapted from the light Japanese Manga novel ‘All You Need is Kill’, which had a different lead character in Keiji Kiriya…

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Walkway Visions: Elevated Street Art!

06.01.2014 – Walkways are rare routes you’ll find in the city, and the only place you can see it is in the back streets of Makati Central Business District. It’s those interconnecting elevated pathways that stretch along Legazpi Street.

The elevated walkways back then was slowly being built connecting buildings and car parks into one route. These days several establishments started to open along the way and lights are no longer dim, which give you a nice view of the elevated street as an alternative route instead of taking the usual walk along Ayala Avenue…

Iloilo Comic Con 2014: Sights & Festive Highlights!

06.01.2014 – Iloilo Comic Con returned successfully in summer 2014. The two-day event cap off an impressive line up of activities from band performances to featuring local artist on spotlight having Carlo Pagulayan, Tepai Pascual, Paulo Herras, Manix Abrera, Gio Paredes and Jon Zamar with Mel Casipit.

This event is also fully supported by the Philippine tourism, event partners, and major sponsors. It’s the liveliest event before the end of summer...