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Transformers Philippines Philippine Bricksters Toy Photography


Sunday, January 31, 2016

20th Century Fox Pop Culture Films in 2016!

01.31.2016 – 20th Century Fox is filling up 2016 with interesting films for the first quarter of the year. There have been award-winning, inspiring, and adventure-packed films. But like any other blockbuster summer-worthy films there are comicbook-based movies and animation that’s all set for you to see.

Not to mention science fiction films that’s making a come back too. So expect the year full of fun featuring larger-than-life stories and characters in the big screen.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Old Man Logan #1: Berserker!

01.30.2016 – Wolverine has been dead since late 2014 and Marvel killed one of their flagship characters in comicbooks if you’re not keeping track. Now they have “Old Man Logan” an aging version of Wolverine that came from the future what the?!

After the events of “Secret Wars” this wasn’t one of those series that you’ll expect. Yes, James Howlett has been dead encased in adamantium and was killed off in the “Death of Wolverine” saga how can you explain a long deceased mutant come back from the future? But the of course this is in the comicbooks and everything is possible in this medium that the idea of Logan coming back is from an alternate future.

This time around he comes back with a fit of rage that only an “Old Man Logan” would do, but its unexplained how did he make it to the present time prior to the what dark future he came from. The narrative for this new series is that he came from the future where all the villains have figured it out and defeated the heroes from his time where he became a family man and a farmer.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Toy Sightings: Tomica Star Wars Cars & Ships!

01.29.2016 – The Star Wars fever is not yet over that the reinvigorated franchise has more films being developed. “Rogue One” an upcoming film is set to be shown this year so expect more merchandise to roll over in the coming months ahead.

One of them is Takara Tomy a Japanese company well known for licensed brands who happens to have their own “Star Wars” being sighted in retail stores this week.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Black Sails Season 3 as iFlix PH Exclusive!

01.28.2016 – If you’re into swashbuckling adventure films or have read the novel “Treasure Island” then you must be eagerly anticipating the prequel that’s set exactly two decades before the golden age of piracy and that’s the story of “Black Sails.”

The popular Original Starz Series has receive a following that’s worth a second look since it was first screened in San Diego Comic Con 2014. Due to its popularity even before it was aired they already renewed the series up to its third season.

Deadpool Not Your Average Rom Com!

01.28.2016 – Valentines Day is next month and the much awaited “Deadpool” is set to be shown 13 days in the Asian regionj. The promotion for Wade Wilson’s pseudo-romcom action film recently released a friendly movie poster.

But the fans have already seen some of the previous trailers and posters that “Deadpool” is bringing some pain also to the people that created him. Ryan Reynold’s Wade Wilson is definitely going to paint the down bloody red!

Expect plenty of wry humour in “Deadpool,” directed by Tim Miller and at Reynolds’ own experiences in the comic book world. Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, “Deadpool” tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.

“Deadpool” star and producer Ryan Reynolds has no bigger fan than Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, who has a fun cameo in the film and also serves as an executive producer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Secret Fresh | SIXINCH: BioMorphic!

01.27.2016 – The latest gallery at SIXINCH is featuring Christian Tamandong but this is not his first solo show featured by Secret Fresh. His last work was one of the shows from 2013 and certainly an eye catcher when it comes to his creations.

For second featured artist as SIXINCH, Christian Tamandong not only brings new creations but also include another exclusive art toy. The colorful and happy art that makes Christian Tamandong stands out and it can seen at the SIXINCH gallery, where the new art toy is depicted titled “BioMorphic!”

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HW Tooned 58 of 250: The Homer!

01.26.2016 – The Simpsons is the longest running animated sitcom that’s clearly not for kids that also inspired other shows with almost similar themes. The show is currently on its 27th season they continue to relevant and interesting to this day.

In the Simpsons household a patriarch in the form of Homer J. Simpsons makes the show as interesting as its stories. Homer certainly on the lead role had once had the opportunity to design his own car dubbed “The Homer” which has also become an iconic vehicle beside the pink family car that Hot Wheels produced one in 2015.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Warner Bros 2016 1st Quarter Films!

01.25.2016 – Warner Bros. had an impressive 2015 but for this year they turn up with some of the notable films that you might pin on your calendar. Indeed it’s the year where the “DC Extended Universe” with “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.”

Then this is followed by “Suicide Squad” and some interesting films in-between from animated features to fantasy that you’ll find interesting from Warner Bros. If can’t recall those notables they sent over the list for you to find out here…

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sprayground Now Sold at SM Department Store!

01.24.2016 – Sprayground is a bag company that was established in 2010 and produce high quality functional designs that’s a rebellious as its goals in bringing you the best. They bring licensed brands and turn them into their own unique design.

There are actually new designs that where sighted from Marvel, SpongeBob Squarepants, South Park, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more these bags are turning up interest with its unique vibrant image of what is to own a cool bag!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Gerald Butler Leads in Gods of Egypt!

01.23.2016 – Gods of Egypt is another fantasy film featuring ancient Egyptian deities and it features an ensemble produced by Summit Entertainment. The film stars Gerald Butlet, Chadwick Boseman, Geoffrey Rush, and Elodie Yung to name some of the lead actors for this film.

Alex Proyas, the director cited the following films as influences on Gods of Egypt: The Guns of Navarone (1961), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), The Man Who Would Be King (1975), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), and Sergio Leone's Western films.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Vinyl on Vinyl + Apol Sta. Maria: SEXOBYOT!

01.22.2016 – Apol Sta. Maria is an accomplished visual artist and comicbook illustrator. He’s been well-documented and known in the independent scene that those who have heard his work like ‘Alamat ng Pangit’ (Legend of the Ugly) have already well accustomed to his creations.

His work as a visual artist expands further not limiting to his popularly known created vision. Apol certainly won’t just sit still and be stuck in a routine he evolves further.

Early Screenings Rave Deadpool!

01.22.2016 – Deadpool was once a typically unknown creation first appearing in an issue of New Mutants from creators Fabian Niceiza and Rob Liefield. He used to be just the ‘Merc with a Mouth.’

But throughout the years creators who where given the chance to evolve Wade Wilson to the character everyone adores is now officially heading to the big screen!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Warner TV Launch DC's Legends of Tomorrow!

01.21.2016 – DC Comics on television is expanding the Arrowverse with another show after the spinoff success of The Flash and Arrow. Warner TV Asia is expanding that with “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” which had a launch recently in Manila.

The characters appearing on Arrow and The Flash band together to form a time travelling team led by Arthur Darvill’s Rip Hunter from the future hell bent on stopping the immortal Vandal Savage. The press launch revealed also upcoming shows from Warner TV but the star of the event is “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow!”

Next Level MOBA Games Powered by GeForce GTX 950!

01.21.2016 – The evolution of strategy games has grown some major upgrades visually and sound quality. The games are faster and detailed taking you into a different world.

With the gaming industry continuously evolving, MOBA or multiplayer online battle arena games are the new king of MMOs (massively multiplayer online games), which has surpassed the popularity of online role-playing games (RPGs) this past decade.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

#DCWeek "Suicide Squad" 2nd Trailer Released!

01.20.2016 – Kicking off #DCWeek is the “DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League” TV special giving you the preview of what’s up ahead DC Entertainment’s film franchise where they have a sneak peek at “Batman V Superman: Dawn Justice.”

But of course the other most anticipated DC Film is the release of the “Suicide Squad” poster and second trailer that runs with Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody!”

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Manila Hobbies: What It Needs to Improve.

01.19.2016 – Manila Hobbies is one of the first events under the reformed Hobbiworx organization previously brought you Collecticon and TAGCOM. It’s the first ‘toy fair’ event for 2016 which has the same portfolio as the previous event.

It’s basically another event that carries the same activity and program with a fresh new name in expanding the ‘toy fair’ experience. It’s also held at the same venue at the SM Megatrade Hall in Megamall.

APCC Returns to Manila in 2016!

01.19.2016 – Due to the success in 2015, Asia Pop Comic Con is returning to Manila bigger and tons of surprises. The event that rocked the country and change how a comic convention should be organized is THE ONLY event you should be.

The announcement of the teaser poster has been revealed and its only January, but every month a possible reveal of who will be the major guest this year will definitely bring the excitement back to the one true fan convention!

Monday, January 18, 2016

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Airing on Warner TV Asia!

01.18.2016 - “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” is not only premiering in the US this Friday, but also in some parts of Asia on Warner TV. This is the third television series from DC and Warner Bros. that interconnects with Arrow and Flash.

This is not including the hit show on CBS which is Supergirl, and definitely Warner TV is bringing “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” being aired same day in the US. The promotion for the new show has been in the news and in the Philippines too.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kylo Ren Goes Undercover Boss!

01.17.2016 – For those who despised or lost interest in Kylo Ren this Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Adam Driver would certainly get some Star Wars fans crazy.

Episode VIII might be more than a year from now and there’s plenty of Star Wars material out there. SNL supplied something Star Wars would definitely get entertained about a sketch parody of Undercover Boss at Starkiller Base…

The New Adventures of Aladdin Trailers & More!

01.17.2016 – There are big budget films and those you call ‘B-Movies’ that mostly known to be exclusively screened at a particular cinema.

‘The New Adventures of Aladdin’ is one of those films that get a second look in terms of production value.

This feature film is entirely unknown but the trailer released seemed to have a fairly interesting sequence that seemed inspired from the animated feature film in the 1990s.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

PREVIEWS Exclusive POP! Rancor Figure Pack!

01.16.2016 – The Star Wars fever has not ended this past Holiday season as they kept on rolling with news about the upcoming films, animation tie-up and comic books. Not to mention a slew of merchandise that would drive you insane.

Diamond Distributors Inc. is one of the companies that bring out the best for the Star Wars fans globally. Most of the stuff they have are exclusive like the beastliest creatures that’s coming out as part of the Previews Exclusive Figure Pack!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Secret Wars #9: The Final Act!

01.15.2016 – Secret Wars #9 is already out now at your nearest comic shop. It’s a fitting end to the original eight-par t maxi-series that rebooted a ‘New Marvel Universe.’ But not everyone is pleased on how this narrative has unfolded and Marvel is aware that they can’t please everyone with how Jonathan Hickman has written.

But if you look at it in a bigger picture it does make sense although you need more proof to be convinced about what happened. Of course criticism is not going to go away as the focus of the story is spotlighted on the characters from Fantastic Four.

Fantastic Four, the film definitely was a debacle everyone wants to forget. But Hickman certainly has written them off these characters quite nicely. The Alex Ross cover is always glorious to see even the slew of variant covers, but Esad Ribic’s art certainly gave life to the action sequence and all that thought revelations of this title that most would not forget and some rather not think about.

Before Marvel’s All-New, All-Different relaunch of titles this is the big one to end all universe-changing stories.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Maximum Carnage Trapped in Lava Lite!

01.14.2016 – Carnage for those who have read the Spider-Man comic books would be familiar with this supervillain. But if just happen to find this character interesting the first time you’ll probably have an idea that he’s associated with Venom.

Actually HE IS sort of an offspring of Venom at the time former host Eddie Brock used to have controls over the alien black suit Spider-Man had worn in the original Secret Wars from 1984 and Diamond Distributors has the Carnage symbiote here…

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Magneto Leads in the Uncanny X-Men #1!

01.13.2016 – How many times does Uncanny X-Men would start at issue number one? It’s been a while since they lasted below six hundred issues and the comic book industry has changed the one things started at number one all over again.

There’s been a little bit of discussion about the future of mutants and what their role in the new Marvel universe post-Secret Wars. It’s quite surprising that they still kept this franchise or what’s left of the list of characters alive in moving. But this time they gave them a new threat to their extinction.

This is not the first time they have encountered their numbers dwindled by some legacy virus. Marvel could have ‘retired’ them the way they handled the disbanding of the Fantastic Four since they can’t get their movie rights back from the current studio that made the mockery of the recent film.

But there are some good points to tell a story about the X-Men in their state of being endangered species that produced a little bit conflict with the Inhumans that had a similar concept to their genome.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Diamond Announces 2015 Gem Award Winners!

01.12.2016 – The Gem Awards is an award giving body that is given annually by Diamond Distributors that recognized within the comic book industry as the pinnacle of sales achievement for publishers, vendors industry executives, and creators.

Details on how they conduct the selection by comic book specialty retailers in recognizing their efforts for those who create the comics, graphic novels and pop-culture products that have been instrumental in helping the industry grow.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Dream Tomica: Snoopy School Bus!

01.11.2016 - “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie” is already out in Philippine cinemas, and the merchandise related to the film like the character tumblers from Snack Time is already available not including the Happy Meal Toys.

But for long time readers of Charles M. Schulz’s timeless comic strips has been into Snoopy collectibles. These are the ones not related to the animated feature one example is the diecast cars by Takara Tomy’s Dream Tomica licensed vehicles…

Marion Cotillard on Portraying Lady Macbeth!

01.11.2016 – “Macbeth” an upcoming epic film with Michael Fassbender in the title role, but there won’t be a Shakespearean play without Lady Macbeth. This is portrayed by Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard.

The French actress known for her roles in Inception, Dark Knight Rises,Contagion, Big Fish among others taking the role as Lady Macbeth, the wife of the film’s protagonist who became the Queen of Scotland with more stories here…

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cartoon Network New Shows in January 2016!

01.12.2016 – Cartoon Network starts the New Year with a bang with the latest shows and newest episodes from the toons you love. This January, indulge in only the best mysteries as Adventure Time spinoff miniseries Stakes and LEGO Scooby Doo! Knight Time Terror premiere on Cartoon Network.

Cross-Country Music from Alvin & the Chipmunks!

01.10.2016 - “Alvin and the Chipmunks” won’t be having its fourth film without the inspiration from the songs. The character’s origin started with music which is their bread and butter for being known for.

Every film has that from soundtrack and original score it’s the key ingredient or a cog that be a recall to anyone who has heard of any song or instrumental music. For their fourth film “The Road Chip” they have a line up of songs good listening on the road.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Movie Review: The Peanuts Movie!

01.09.2016 - “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie” is not just a story about a certain Beagle who moonlights a World War I fighter pilot named ‘Flying Ace’ its also about Charlie Brown.

This timeless comic strip from the great mind of Charles M. Schulz is finally here with all the bells and whistles you’ve seen before. But this one has a fresh coat of CG paint that will definitely catch this generation’s attention.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth Heading to PH Cinemas!

01.09.2016 – From William Shakespeare’s original play to other forms of media Macbeth is a written tragedy that has become known in fiction throughout generations, and this time it’s getting a modern take in the upcoming film.

This will feature Michael Fassbender in the titular role with Marion Cotillard as Lady Macbeth. It will be directed by Justin Kurzel from the screenplay by Jacob Koskoff, Michael Lesslie, and Todd Louiso heading to Philippine cinemas on January 13th…

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Simpsons Couch Gag: LA-Z Rider Pure Nostalgia!

01.08.2016 - For all the parodies that The Simpsons have accomplished this latest couch gag is as wonderful as the 1980s nostalgia for all the action aficionados out there. On its 27th season The Simpsons still does its best at parodies.

The “LA-Z Rider” is getting quite a trending on social media for its electric 1980s vibe inspired from Knight Rider and Miami Vice at the cent of it all is none other than The Simpsons’ Homer J. Simpsons with some friends…

Tim Miller's "Deadpool" Directorial Debut!

01.08.2016 – “Deadpool” has been lingering in production since Ryan Reynolds was cast as Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but the character didn’t pan out during the climax of the said film though Reynolds earned cult following.

Two years after the leaked footage featuring “Deadpool” in CG doing the actions here comes the actual film with first-time director Tim Miller at the helm...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1!

01.07.2016 - For those who haven’t jump-in to the comic books surely you’ll get more detail stories than waiting for the next Saga Series to come like sometime in 2017. Star Wars comic books published by Marvel are canon to the movies, animated series (Rebels), and even includes the videogames which means just like the cinematic universe that ‘The House of Ideas’ has been making its all connected.

Since Disney acquiring LucasFilms in 2012 it was obvious that the publication of the comic books will likely move from Dark Horse to Marvel and with that the ‘Expanded Universe’ is no longer canon to the films. Its going to be streamlined and Disney made sure that everything comes together interconnected to each other.

It’s been almost two years since Marvel ushered in Star Wars taking place after “A New Hope” and before “Empire Strikes Back.” There is also mini-series featuring beloved characters from the Original Trilogy.

Now they are taking a closer look at a relationship between two of the characters from the Prequel Trilogy featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Timeless World of "The Peanuts Movie!"

01.07.2015 - In today’s generation “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie” would be outdated instead it makes a timeless effort to appeal to everyone without knowing that this world is set back before the age of tablets and smartphones.

This is a reminder how life the great outdoors was called simple in the world populated by the kids from The Peanuts comic strip also happening in the new film.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Manila Hobbies 1st Fan Event For 2016!

01.06.2015 - If you’ve been to local toy-related events this might not be different from the later as local organizers of these events is putting together another one to usher the New Year.

It’s another event about cosplays and related to toys for those who are into both interests this might be the happening you’re waiting for.

Chipettes Joins in "The Road Chip!"

01.06.2015 – Alvin and the Chipmunks are not alone in this new journey with their future would-be half brother, but they are also be in a company of the `munks counterpart The Chipettes and surely hilarious repartee will ensue.

Heading to Philippine cinemas this month Alvin and the Chipmunks embark on a road trip and also expect mayhem happens, but the Chipettes are also here to make sure the boys will be a little more behave though that won’t exactly happen…

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Manga Library in Japan's Corner!

01.05.2015 – If you’re a hardcore Japanese culture enthusiast or an Otaku then you must have heard about a place that sells original second hand Manga titles.

For years the Philippines have become a fan crazed nation into Japanese anime and music. It has become an influence from the 1970s Super Robots to anime and anything from the rising sun you’ll see why Filipinos like it.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Snack Time Exclusive The Peanuts Movie Collectibles!

01.04.2016 – “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie” is heading to Philippine cinemas in four days.

Just like any property that have an upcoming film there will always merchandise to go around.

So far there have Snoopy-related collectibles even before the promotion of this 3D animated feature like diecast cars from Hot Wheels and Tomica.

There are even construction toys, but just like any film Snack Time have their merchandise.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Last "Peanuts" Comic Strip 15 Years Ago!

01.03.2016 – “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie” was aptly one of the best animated feature films in 2015. For those based in Asia and Australia its just about to be shown this month, which was already shown in North America sometime in November 2015.

There have been milestones that The Peanuts has celebrated last year like Snoopy being inducted at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They also celebrated 50 years of Charlie Brown Christmas special and now the 13th anniversary of the last comic strip.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

First Contact: The Last Best Star Trek Film?

01.02.2016 –This year marks the 50th anniversary of Star Trek and the new film “Star Trek Beyond” is the big thing fans are hoping to see. The first teaser trailer was somewhat mixed due to its content that inspired another sci-fi film.

But for those who have seen the previous films and television series they would say this is not Star Trek. There will be debates but like a Vulcan with an open mind some would just accept it as the way things has changed since JJ Abrams rebooted the franchise back in 2009. Yes this is the current Star Trek but for those who know Abrams would recall he was more of a Star Wars fan.

When you talk about Star Trek some would be too excited not about the old films and television series, but the current one and for the longest time Trekkies would silently just accept this.

Though the truth is the true Star Trek was not about phaser pistols blazing of the Enterprise getting blown up again it’s about space exploration and more about what the franchise is all about. There would be some individuals going to start an argument or a healthy discussion what is Star Trek.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Flash Back: "Holiday Knights" New Year!

01.01.2015 – Cheers for the New Year and 2016 is here, but for the Gothamites it’s another day at the office with the Commissioner and the Detective. If last year wasn’t in you’re cards then continue what you do to get better.

In honor of welcoming the New Year here’s Batman: The New Adventures paying tribute to start 2016 right. You know you’re still not going to beat him for the bill…